Critical Comments - UK
- MORNING STAR - for peace & socialism239017
- COUNTERFIRE - revolutionary socialists110185
- NEW STATESMAN - weekly magazine110186
- openDEMOCRACY110187
- STOP the WAR110191
- CHANNEL 4 News110192
- Independent Voices - tw199301
- RED PEPPER - bi-monthly socialist magazine110184
- DESMOG UK - clearing the PR pollution110194
- MOSQUITO RIDGE - Postcapitalism and the Radical Left110198
- WSWS EU/UK - international committee of the fourth international110199
- OWEN JONES - Guardian110201
- OWEN JONES BattleLines446803
- Byline Times347265
- Schumacher College110200
- NEW LEFT Project110206
- Left Foot Forward110207
- Social Europe110208
- Off Guardian 194822
- Consented110212
- The Conversation110213
- Progress Online (Labour)110214
- Socialist Worker110218
- The FERRET (Scotland)110219
- SPIN WATCH - public interest investigations110220
- FACTCHECK Blog - Channel 4 News110224
- Robert FISK - The Independent110225
- Ekklesia - role of religion in public life110226
- Our Kingdom - openDemocracy110227
- Liberal Conspiracy - left of centre political blog110231
- Ceasefire - quarterly magazine110232
- Matt Carr's Infernal Machine110233
- @Comment_PressTV - George Galloway110237
- Craig Murray - Blog110238
- UK Progressive110239
- Press Gazette110240
- New Left Review110244
- The Voice - black issues110245
- Channel 4 - Dispatches110246
- Jonathan Cook Blog110247
- BBC Panorama - Episodes110251
- Other News - information that markets eliminate110252
- Labour Briefing - Left Labour, political magazine (until 12/15)110253
- SchNEWS (UK) - anarchist information for action (until 2014)110180
- Rebellious Media Conference ! - London 2011110254
- @CochraneUK - Evidence-based health care231743