Selected Articles
- Data on casualties - OCHA454492
- “Lyd”: Directors of New Sci-Fi Doc on How 1948 Nakba Devastated Palestinian City - DN! 29.04.24412125
- Watching the watchdogs: The media downplays a big legal story at its peril - Al Jazeera 23.04.24412000
- How is Palestine connected to the climate justice movement? - Al Jazeera 05.03.24403145
- Israeli military refuser sentenced to prison after exposing lies behind Gaza genocide - WSWS 29.12.23391685
- In Christmas Sermon, Palestinian Theologian Condemns Enablers of Gaza Genocide - CD 25.12.23396803
- Watching the watchdogs: Fear in newsrooms silences pro-Palestine voices - Al Jazeera 01.11.23381657
- How Palestine became Israel's spyware test-bed - New Int 02.10.23382101
- South American Black and Indigenous movements visit in Palestine - Stop the Wall 21.07.23364796
- Jenin then. Jenin now. The weakness of Palestinian security forces is the key difference - Guardian 03.07.23359514
- Tweet: "What we're facing here is a coordinated, zionist attack on campuses and on free speech to stop the possibility of people voicing support for the Palestinians and the …361319
- UN Chief Ripped for Leaving Israel Off Child-Killing 'List of Shame' - CD 23.06.23355589
- 15-Year-Old Among Palestinians Killed in Israeli Raid on Jenin Refugee Camp - CD 19.06.23356317
- #EndEthnicCleansing: The struggle of the Sob Laban family for their home in Jerusalem - Stop The Wall 16.06.23356778
- Why I'm Saying No to the IDF as a 17-Year-Old - CD 27.04.23344733
- In 'Act of Fascism and Supremacy,' Israel Bans Palestinian Flags in Public Spaces - CD 09.01.23324903
- Rights Advocates Alarmed Over Israel's New 'Fascist, Racist, and Settler' Government - CD 29.12.22324912
- Israeli politician suggests doctors could refuse to treat gay patients - Guardian 26.12.22323402
- Salah Hamouri’s deportation from Israel ‘against the law, says France - Guardian 18.12.22322351
- Tweet: Morocco's World Cup win, as the Zionist colony dispatches stormtroopers on horseback to disperse the crowd. - @Aldanmarki 10.12.22319381
- Amnesty Says ICC Israel Probe Should Include Crime Against Humanity of Apartheid' - CD 25.10.22313330
- APN to Biden Administration: Ensure that Joint Initiatives with Israel Do Not Extend to West Bank Settlements - Peace Now 29.09.22309161
- 7amleh welcomes Booking. Com’s decision to label the unlawful Israeli settlements - 7amleh 28.09.22309157
- Israel-Palestine: ‘Meaningful initiatives’ needed soon, to reverse current course - UN 28.09.22308031
- Israeli district court orders immediate demolition of a donor-funded school in Ramallah 10.08.22301528
- ´Apartheid´ Not Sufficient To Describe Israeli Settler Colonialism, According To Former UN Human Rights Commissioner - Real News 27.07.22301713
- Israeli Settlements in Occupied Territories: Assessing ‘Continuing Crimes’ Against the Principle of Legality Before the ICC - Oxford Human Rights Hub 06/22305852
- Palestinians use social media to out the Israeli undercover agents haunting their protests - Guardian 06.04.22288520
- Human Rights groups agree: Israel is practicing Apartheid - OtherWords 09.02.22275053
- ‘Apartheid state’: Israel’s fears over image in US are coming to pass - Guardian 03.02.22273446
- Action Alert: Stop Israeli home demolition and persecution of human rights defenders - StopTheWall 01.12.21265375
- 100+ Global Donors Pen Letter to 'Stand With' Palestinian Rights Groups Outlawed by Israel - CD 16.11.21263873
- ‘Children in Jenin Refugee Camp end up as prisoners, martyrs, or with a disability’ - 972 Mag 13.09.21359570
- Biden Urged to Push Israeli PM to End 'Systematic Human Rights Abuses' - Common Dreams 27.08.21253928
- US Policy Ignores Palestinian Human Rights - CD 15.03.21238471
- Protests mount over Israeli medical apartheid during pandemic - Global Voices 24.01.21233886
- Is the COVID-19 Vaccine a Potential Biological Weapon in Reverse? - Human Rights Watch 07.01.21231312
- Dozens of Al Jazeera journalists allegedly hacked using Israeli firm's spyware - Guardian 20.12.20229630
- With a view toward Iran, Israel launches spy satellite - AP News 06.07.20211996
- Palestinians accuse Israel of negligence after prisoner dies of cancer - Times Of Israel 26.11.19104300
- Kushner’s Threat to Palestine: An Interview with Norman Finkelstein - Counterpunch 20.08.19188167
- Extreme-Left NGOs Tied To Foreign Funding In New Investigative - ILTV Israel Daily Series 12.07.19188403
- Israels' Admission of 2007 Clandestine Bombing of Syria Contains This Warning: Iran Could Be Next - Common Dreams 21.03.18104279
- Bibis' Son or: Three Men in a Car - Gush Shalom 13.01.18104280
- Kushner Under Fire for Receiving $30M From Israeli Firm While Shaping Middle East Policy - Common Dreams 08.01.18104281
- Kushner’s Financial Ties to Israel Deepen Even With Mideast Diplomatic Role - The New York Times 07.01.18104282
- Gideon Levy: When did it become illegal to be a Leftist in Israel? - Haaretz 06.01.11104283
- The art of war: Deleuze, Guattari, Debord and the Israeli Defense Force - Metamute 03.08.06104284
- Can Trump and Netanyahu Make Progress Toward the “Ultimate Deal”? - International Crisis Group 2/17104285
- A day in the life of a child in Gaza right now – Action Aid 24.10.16104286
- B’Tselem: The battle to be Israel’s conscience - Guardian 12.03.15265170
- YouTube video purports to show Israeli border police tossing gas grenade at Palestinians - Haaretz 3/12104287
- West Bank escalation reminiscent of years before second intifada - Haarezt 10.07.11104288
- Gideon Levy: Meanwhile, in East Jerusalem - Haaretz 5/11104289
- He Shouldn‘t Have Used the A Word: Carter Harassed with $5 Million Suit by Israeli Lawyers - Counterpunch 2/11104290
- Why I tried to arrest Avigdor Lieberman - Electronic Intifada 2/11104291
- Israeli Banks Finance Newspaper calling for Genocide - AIC 1/11104292
- Bike Ride Against Gaza War Ends in Prison - Desertpeace 12/10104294
- Amnon Dankner: ‘I’m Ashamed of Being Israeli’ - Tikun Olam 11.01.11104295
- A bit more about the rabbis - Adam Keller 1/11104296
- Hi, Joe! - Uri Avnery 1/11104297
- Freedom of expression in Israel is a hollow pretension - Uri Avnery 1/11104298
- When the Messiah comes, Israel will deport him - Haaretz 1/11104299
- Analysis of the Wye River Memorandum - Human Rights Watch 11/98 (Archive)104301
- Indict Ariel Sharon - Justice for the Victims of Sabra & Shatila (Archive)104302
- Palestinian Women Suffer as Israel Violates CEDAW - UrukNet 11/0928285