General Info
- Peace On Podcast 208860
- Peace Education - GCPE CALENDAR !85172
- Global Campaign for Peace Educations85173
- Insight on Conflict - Peacebuilding and peace education85174
- Peace Education - Wikipedia85175
- Study Peace194370
- Education and Peacebuilding - Johan Galtung 8/1085180
- Where to Study Peace Education - Global Directory85181
- Teaching for Social Justice - Wikipedia85182
- A Culture of Peace - UNESCO 9/99 *.pdf85183
- Why we need education built for peace – especially in times of war - WEF 28.02.24402627
- Peace Literacy: Every Student Needs It - Common Dreams 03.09.22303496
- Peace education for citizenship: a perspective for Eastern Europe - peace-ed-campaign 20.09.21259553
- How Peace Studies Can Help End Wars - Tansnational 16.01.18364646
- Encyclopedia of Peace Education (2008)85188
- Chomsky to RT: All superpowers feel exceptional, inflate security myth for ‘frightened population’85189
- What Caused the Wars, by Eli Siegel (1976)85190
- Nonviolence for toddlers: Listen carefully, think first, respect everyone 16.04.12205973
- The John and Elnora Ferguson Centre for African Studies - Bradford262049