Christmas & Advent
- Advent - Wikipedia73582
- Advent - YouTube73583
- Amnesty Christmas Cards73616
- A Christmas Carol (1843) - Charles Dickens73621
- A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens - Project Gutenberg73622
- BBC Radio 4 Christmas Appeal73594
- Book Trust - getting children reading266499
- CNDUK - Christmas gift ideas318366
- Crisis - What is Crisis at Christmas?321630
- Crisis (UK) - No one should be homeless and alone this Christmas73587
- Christmas - Wikipedia73584
- Christmas - YouTube73585
- Crisis (UK) - homeless people73586
- Christmas with No Presents? - Sustainable Happiness73588
- Christmas Carols - Wikipedia73611
- Christmas Tree - Wikipedia73612
- Christmas Music - Wikipedia73610
- Christmas - Controversy73629
- Christmas for the Rich (?) - Google Images73630
- Christian Aid - Christmas appeal266506
- Earth Easy - How to have a green Christmas266488
- Ebenezer Scrooge - Wikipedia73619
- Economics of Christmas - Wikipedia266611
- Forestry England - How to be sustainable this Christmas266492
- Givit - Change a life this Christmas266507
- Give a life-changing gift this Christmas - Centrepoint & Guardian73589
- Give Well - Christmas Charities for Holiday Giving266502
- Homelessness Advent Calendar (UK)73620
- Independent - Where to donate Christmas presents in the UK, from children’s hospitals to care homes266512
- The Life - Christmas peace321631
- List of Christmas Films - Wikipedia73617
- Are you a Greenie? Join the “I Love Trees” campaign73613
- Make a Wish Foundation266505
- Love Actually (Film 2003) - Wikipedia447150
- Miracle on 34th Street (1947) - Wikipedia73623
- Rainbow Trust - Bring back the colour this Christmas266503
- Santa Claus - NY Times73606
- Salvation Army USA73596
- Salvation Army UK - Christmas Appeal73595
- Salvation Army - Christmas266501
- Samaritans Purse - Operation Christmas Child266615
- St Martin in the Fields (UK) - Christmas Appeal73593
- Surviving Christmas266500
- Tear Fund - Christmas appeal266508
- Toys for Tots266504
- UNICEF Christmas Cards73615
- UNICEF (UK) - Christmas gifts266514
- WFP - Christmas appeal266509
- World Food Programme - help build a world with zero hunger266513
- WWF - Top tips for a sustainable christmas266484
- 10 Best Christmas Songs for Atheists - AlterNet73608
- #OccupyXmas - Twitter73590
- #Occupyxmas begins - Adbusters73591
- 99 Clutter-Free Gift Ideas - Become Minimalist266613
- This Christmas, Give Peace - Becoming Minimalist321632
- Why Christmas Is A Time For Reflection, Not Perfection - Awareness Centre321642
- Festive Christmas Fundraising Ideas For Charities - Campaigns, Events & Appeals - Charity Excellence321628
- Calls for global peace during Christmas celebrations - Al Jazeera 25.12.24447176
- Christmas 2024: Jesus overturns all we know and love about power, wealth, influence and clout - Vatican News 25.12.24447174
- Syrian Christians attend first Christmas Eve service since al-Assad’s fall - Al Jazeera 25.12.24447175
- The Real War on Christmas Is a Class War Waged by Bosses - Jacobin 25.12.24447995
- King Charles III focuses Christmas message on healthcare workers - Politico 25.12.24447178
- Christian faithful celebrate Christmas at Masses throughout Europe - Euronews 25.12.24447179
- Video: Bethlehem marks a second sombre Christmas under shadow of war - France24 25.12.24447177
- Lebanese Christians celebrate Christmas, hoping for election of president in 16 days - Arab News 24.12.24447113
- Bethlehem marks a second subdued Christmas during the war in Gaza - AP News 24.12.24447110
- Hundreds of Syrian Christians protest burning of Christmas tree - France24 24.12.24447112
- Video: Gaza’s Christmas in the shadow of war - Al Jazeera 23.12.24447108
- War on Santa: Which European nations banned Christmas in the past? - Euronews 23.12.24447111
- Hope and solace for those grieving at Christmas - Guardian 23.12.24447109
- Holiday Shopping Is Incredibly Wasteful. Here’s How to Make It Greener - Mother Jones 20.12.24446993
- Tweet: Christmas is a time for empathy and acceptance. Let’s stop blaming migrants and refugees for the problems in our society — and start treating them with dignity and re…451689
- How to manage holiday grief in yourself and others - Scientific American 18.12.24446901
- Santa Claus was inspired by a real figure who fought against miscarriages of justice - Conversation 12.12.24447554
- Another Bleak Christmas in Bethlehem as Christian Families Quit West Bank - US News 01.12.24443534
- Video: Band Aid - Do They Know It’s Christmas? (2024 Ultimate Mix / 40th Anniversary Video) - BandAidVEVO 25.11.24448009
- Santa sceptics and the real tooth fairy - Guardian 29.12.23391620
- Jesus in the Rubble: Christmas Canceled in Bethlehem - DN! 28.12.23391622
- Cherishing age-old values at a family Christmas - Guardian 28.12.23391621
- 'Warm the soul': Christmas gifts for frontline Ukrainian troops - euronews 27.12.23391619
- Tis the season for giving: A guide for how to give, even a little - AP News 26.12.23391381
- Christmas Is a Reminder To Keep the Faith in the Face of Overwhelming Odds - Jacobin 25.12.23391127
- Muted Christmas as Palestinian Christians mourn for Gaza - Al Jazeera 24.12.23391025
- Christmas 2023: Light of Bethlehem shines amidst darkness of history - Vatican News 24.12.23391022
- Christmas Eve: Europe on high alert citing terror risk - Euronews 24.12.23391024
- Jesus of Palestine. Jesus of the Gaza Strip - CD 24.12.23396802
- How do I deal with my racist aunt over the holidays - New Int 19.12.23391179
- Boasting season is upon us – and it can’t end soon enough - Guardian 18.12.23389821
- Double Christmas dessert: Ravneet Gill’s mango creme brulee and brown sugar meringues – recipes - Guardian 01.12.23387980
- A Christmas advert that’s been made to promote a Northern Irish pub and spreading kindness to strangers has gone viral - @MetroUK 28.11.23388602
- Why some people celebrate Christmas in January - Nat Geo 30.12.22323842
- Corporations Are the Modern-Day Scrooges - CD 30.12.22327777
- Photos: Thousands descend upon Bethlehem to celebrate Christmas - Al Jazeera 25.12.22322129
- Archbishop of Canterbury and Pope Francis call for end to war in Ukraine - Guardian 25.12.22321935
- Merry Christmas! We’re All Being Murdered by Capitalism - Intercept 24.12.22323848
- Worried about that family Christmas? Here’s how you can avoid the rows - Guardian 24.12.22323496
- This Christmas, make sure your chocolate does not harm the planet - Al Jazeera 24.12.22322118
- Six Books to Read During a Stressful Family Holiday - Atlantic 23.12.23391132
- How will Royal Family celebrate occasion without Queen? - Economic Times 23.12.22321647
- LadBaby break Beatles’ record to score fifth Christmas No 1 single - Guardian 23.12.22321646