General Info
- Violence against Women - UN Women60423
- Facts and Figures: Ending Violence against Women - UN Women60424
- COFEM - Coalition of Feminists for Social Change260168
- UNFPA - Gender-based Violence60425
- UNFPA - Resources Gender-based Violence60426
- WHO - Gender-based Violence60427
- What Is Gender-based Violence (GBV)? - Women Win Guides60429
- Handbook: Applying a Feminist Lens to Grantmaking for Addressing Violence Against Women and Girls - COFEM 10/2021263648
- Webinar: Applying a Feminist Lens to Grantmaking for Addressing Violence Against Women and Girls - COFEM 21.10.21263647
- Woman’s Place UK194169
- @Womans_Place_UK 194168
- Violence against women - Wikipedia60430
- Prevent GBV Africa60431
- Raising Voices60432
- Asia-Pacific Institute on Gender-based Violence60433
- Gender-based Violence Information Management System60434
- Guidelines for Integrating Gender-Based Violence Interventions in Humanitarian Action60435
- Say NO – UNiTE to End Violence against Women60436
- Say NO to Violence Against Women ! - UniFem60437
- Virtual Knowledge Center to End Violence Against Women & Girls60438
- GSDRC - Gender-based Violence resource page60439
- GADN - Violence against Women & Girls Working Group60440
- ICRW - Violence Against Women60443
- Global Protection Cluster - Gender-based Violence60444
- Research Consortium on Gender-based Violence (University of Michigan)60445
- Health & Human Rights Info - Resource Directory on Gender-based Violence60446
- Interagency Gender Working Group - Gender-based Violence60447
- Strengthening Health System Responses to Gender-based Violence in Eastern Europe and Central Asia: A resource package60448
- Amnesty USA - Violence Against Women60449
- Plan International - Gender-based Violence60450
- FHI360 - Gender-based Violence60451
- Confronting Gender Based Violence: Global Lessons with Case Studies from India - Online Course (Coursera / John Hopkins)60452
- Gender-based Violence E-Learning Course (HREA)60453
- Online Certificate Course in Gender-based Violence Training (Human RIghts & Justice Group)60454
- 911 for Women - Feminist Majority Foundation60455
- Prevention of intimate partner violence and sexual violence - WHO60456
- Sexual Violence Research Initiative - SVRI60457
- Violence Prevention - CDC60458
- Sexual Violence - CDC60459
- Acid Survivors Foundation (ASF) (Bangladesh)60460
- CPI Project: Sexual Assault Campus60461
- Violence Against Women - Links60462
- Center for Women's Global Leadership: 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence Campaign 11-12/0960464
- Daphne III60465
- Daphne II Programme to combat violence against children, young people and women - EU (Archive)60466
- Burning Times documentary on witch-hunts 4/0960467
- Bianca Jagger Human Rights Foundation60468
- Istanbul Convention - Wikipedia250891
- Zonta International - Ending Gender-Based Violence301891
- The Spotlight Initiative - to eliminate violence against women and girls257786
- Qué diferencia hay entre la violencia de género y la violencia intrafamiliar de la que habla el partido de extrema derecha Vox en España - BBC 12.07.23359028
- Event: COFEM Handbook on Feminist Grantmaking - October 21st 2021260169
- Past event: Preventing and Combating Violence Against Women and Girls: Human Dimension Seminar - OSCE 16.11.21271709
- Applying a feminist lens to grantmaking for addressing violence against women and girls - COFEM 10/21260170
- Video: What is the Istanbul Convention? - HRW 09.05.21250851