Transnational Corporations (TNCs)
- Globalization and TNCs !44754
- Transnational Corporations & World Trade44755
- Corpwatch44757
- CETIM - Stop TNCs impunity Campaign405198
- The Corporate Century44760
- Multinationals Resource Center44761
- Who Gets to RULE the World? - great flash presentation from the Texas Green Party (file download)44763
- TNC Directory - Transnational Corporations - Eldis (Archive)44767
- Stop Transnational Corporations - La Via Campesina44770
- Ending Corporate Governance: Revoking Our Plutocracy44771
- Multinational Monitor44772
- Mitsubishi Sucks44773
- Corporations and Medical Research44776
- Nine in 10 top global companies failing to uphold human rights, report says - Al Jazeera 02.07.24420877
- World’s 722 biggest companies ‘making $1tn in windfall profits’ - Guardian 06.07.23357966
- Top US Companies Admit to Hiking Prices to Pad Their Profits - CD 13.06.23352814
- The Four Neat Tricks Corporations Used to Take Over the World - Novara Media 24.05.23356402
- Transnational companies: The good and the bad - Borgen Project 05.01.23323793
- A World Beyond Transnational Corporations: Meeting Human Rather Than Corporate Need - NCBI 11/22405200
- Transnational Corporations and Capitalists from the Global South: Natura & Co. and the IEDI - Sage Journals 25.07.22405191
- TNC’s and Society: Destroying our people and planet - University of Manchester 06.07.22405188
- States resume historic UN negotiations amidst growing consensus on the need for binding regulations on transnational corporations and human rights - FOE 26.10.21405212
- Journal: Leveling the Field Through Transnational Regulation - Oxford Academic 25.06.21405210
- Analysis of the Influence of TNCs on the Economy of Developing Countries and Countries with Economies in Transition - ResearchGate 03/21405205
- 5 Ways to Stop Corporations From Ruining the Future of Work - Common Dreams 26.12.19194006
- Journal: Between ethics and law:: TNCs’ behaviour in modern economic globalisation - University of Surrey 09.07.18405199
- How multinational companies keep avoiding the threat of regulation - Conversation 17.03.15405213
- Arguments and Evidence that Transnational Corporations Harm Developing Countries - Revise Sociology 01.03.17405194
- Fraud and Financial Scandals: A Historical Analysis of Opportunity and Impediment - Research Gate 01/1544774
- Transnational corporations in twenty-first century capitalism: An interview with Grazia Ietto-Gillies - ResearchGate 02/14405190
- Transnational corporations and global capitalism: reflections on the last 40 years - Pro Quest, 2014405193
- Four huge corporate power grabs possibly worse than Citizens United - Salon 12/1244762
- The transnational capitalist class and the discourse of globalisation - T&F 13.09.07405189
- The Corporate Co-optation of the UN (ICC) (archive 7/07)44768
- Transnational corporations in conflict prone zones: Public policy responses and a framework for action - International Alert 09/03405204
- HRW Resources and Campaigns on Corporations and Human Rights (archive) 7/0044777
- MITSUBISHI: The Most Environmentally Destructive Corporate Force on Earth - Corp Watch 01.12.9744782
- Controlling transnational corporations - FPIF 01.11.96405209
- Media and Globalization - Corp Watch 01.01.9644766
- Transnational Corporations and International Codes of Conduct: A Study of the Relationship Between International Legal Cooperation and Economic Development - Seymour J. Rubin…405214
- Paper: Transnational corporations: Impediments or catalysts of social development? - Econstor, 1994405195
- Journal: Transnational Corporations as Global Political Actors: A Literature Review - JSTOR 12/88405197
- Transnational Corporations as Global Political Actors: A Literature Review - Sage 09/88405201
- Policing the multinationals - New Internationalist 11/8344785
- Transnational Corporations: Supervision, Regulation, or What? - University of Maryland, 1975405208
- A Buddhist Critique of Transnational Corporations - by David Loy44778
- International regulation of transnational business: providing the missing leg of global investment standards - UNCTAD 405206
- Court TV Online - Legal Documents: Texaco Discrimination Case (Archive)44783
- Investors, environmental, social and governance approaches and human rights - Report of the Working Group on the issue of human rights and transnational corporations and othe…449871