- Kip Cates (Japan) - Language (Archive)43834
- Arun Gandhi - total nonviolence43835
- Kristin Christman – Unsung Hero of Peace Research and Education & TFF Associate - TFF 29.05.23351448
- Kristin Christman – Unsung Hero of Peace Research and Education - TFF 21.03.23337048
- Parents, Activists Rip School Board 11/0743836
- The Education of a Peacemaker: Interview with Dr. Johan Galtung (Archive)43837
- John Hunter: Teaching with the World Peace Game - TED 4/1143838
- Filmmakers@Google: John Hunter and Chris Farina43839
- TEDxFlanders - John Hunter - World Peace Gamer 9/1143840
- PPI 2011 Edulearners - National Peace Academy43841
- Julius Nyerere - Lifelong Learning and Informal Education43842
- Women: Educators for Peace (Pope John Paul II, Archive)43843
- Maria Montessori: Education for Peace (2011) *.pdf43844
- Tony Jenkins - PCDN profile43845
- John Heartfield43846
- Dominican Republic: Education ministry continues training on ethics, culture of peace and protection of rights - CPNN 11/19195076
- Barbara Smith - tw198814