- May Peace Prevail on Earth - World Peace Prayer Society43195
- An unusual meeting of bankers and believers43197
- Daily Inspiration on Spiritual Healing Mysticism - by Elsa Joy43198
- International Movement - We Are Church43199
- Sojourners Online (a Christian voice)43200
- Beyond the Clash of Religions - Will a history of conflict lead to a future in harmony ?43201
- Gathering In The Names43204
- White Mountain Education Association43205
- Deena Metzger Healing43206
- Tree: Essays Pieces43207
- Swami Advait - Facebook43208
- IFCO / Pastors for Peace (USA) - Interreligious Foundation for Community Organization43209
- Netzwerk Sektenausstieg - Germany43210
- 'He got away with it': how the founder of Bikram yoga built an empire on abuse - Guardian 20.11.19191974