Liberation Theology
- Projekt Befreiungstheologisches Netzwerk - Germany41779
- Liberation Theology (Teologia de la Liberacion) - Wikipedia41780
- Sabeel Ecumenical Liberation Theology Center (Palestine)41781
- Liberation Theology and Land Reform41782
- A Concise History of Liberation Theology - putting the radical teachings of Jesus into practice41783
- Consejo Episcopal Latinoamericano (CELAM) - in Spanish41785
- Latin American Episcopal Conference (CELAM) - Wikipedia41786
- Global Current ( # 6 ) Liberation Theology in Latin America - YouTube41787
- Liberation Theologians - Wikipedia41788
- YouTube41789
- Google News41790
- Guardian Search41791
- Amazon Books41792
- Gustavo Gutierrez (Peru) - Wikipedia41793
- Leonardo Boff - Wikipedia41794
- Leonardo Boff (Brazil) - 2001 Right Livelihood Award Recipient41795
- Paulo Freire (Brazil) - Wikipedia41796
- Paulo Freire: Liberation Theology and Marx - YouTube41797
- Paulo Freire: Pedagogy of the Oppressed - Amazon Books41798
- `Bishop of the slums' -- Dom Hélder Camara and Brazil's church of the poor - Links 7/0941799
- Ernesto Cardenal (Nicaragua) - Wikipedia41800
- Phillip Berryman (Panama & Guatemala) - Wikipedia41801
- Jon Sobrino (El Salvador) - Wikipedia41802
- Vatican Rebuke of Jon Sobrino (in English) 3/0741803
- Jean-Bertrand Aristide (Haiti) - Wikipedia41804
- Internet Liberation Theology - Salon 11/0141805
- Christian Left - Wikipedia41806
- Christian Socialism - Wikipedia41807
- Archbishop Oscar Arnulfo Romero Resources on the Internet41808
- "Christian Revolution in Latin America: The Changing Face of Liberation Theology"41809