Women & Environment
- Women and the environment - Wikipedia231731
- Ecofeminism - Wikipedia40845
- Association of Women in Water, Energy & Environment (AWWEE)231759
- Event: Women, Climate and Insecurity Conference (Helena Kennedy Centre) 28-30 April 2022 Zoom263573
- Don’t ignore half of humanity in the climate-change debate (Blog)40852
- Women's Community Center - Feminist Websites, Blogs, and Resources40847
- Gender and Environment Resource Center231734
- Green Grants - Women’s environmental action231740
- International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers40848
- Report: Women and the Environment - UN Environment Programme231729
- Sharon Beder (Global Spin)40851
- We Can International 195521
- Women and Life on Earth40844
- Women's Environmental Network (WEN)231736
- Women for the Environment231738
- Women's Environment & Development Organization (WEDO)231730
- Women's Council on Energy and the Environment (WCEE)231755
- Women's Earth Alliance (WEA)231757
- Women’s Environmental Leadership Australia (WELA)231760
- Women defenders of the land and the environment: silenced voices - Oxfam 231739
- Women and girls are on the frontline of climate change – but their stories are seldom heard - Conversation 07.03.25460797
- How feminism can guide climate change action - Scientific American 21.12.24446936
- Gender Equality Has Everything To Do with Climate Change - Global Issues 16.08.24428819
- Empowering Women for a Green Future: AFPPD Conference Tackles Climate Change and Gender Equality - IPS 15.08.24428210
- Innovative Gender Bond Series Uplifts Rural Women to Drive Climate Action in Asia - Global Issues 22.11.23385203
- The Well-Being of Girls Everywhere Demands Climate Action - Connect4Climate 26.10.23382814
- Climate crisis is ‘not gender neutral’: UN calls for more policy focus on women - Guardian 10.10.23376217
- Can gender equality end the climate crisis? Here’s 5 blogs - Greenpeace 30.03.23340773
- How the energy crisis is reversing gender equality - Greenpeace 28.03.23340775
- KlimaSeniorinnen: Our shared right to life and health - Greenpeace 24.03.23340774
- Explainer: How gender inequality and climate change are interconnected - UN Women 28.02.22334958
- A worrying 86 percent of women in Malawi confirmed their wellbeing had been affected by climate breakdown - Ecologist 18.08.22301767
- A monthlong series about female-led climate tech ventures?! Sign me up - GreenBiz 17.08.22302064
- Saving Mother Earth: New Books About Feminism and Women Protecting the Planet - EcoWatch 09.08.22300171
- Women should be leading conservation efforts in Africa - Al Jazeera 13.07.22295265
- Women's rights can mitigate climate impacts - Ecologist 27.06.22293903
- Women in rural Bangladesh bear rising cost of climate crisis - Al Jazeera 19.05.22287574
- Funding for women-led conservation remains tiny, but that’s changing fast - Mongabay 20.04.22284906
- Why Inclusive Voices and Climate Action Are Key to True Gender Justice - Global Citizen 18.04.22283380
- The key to climate action and sustainable peace? Women’s full and equal participation - UN News 31.03.22280617
- Women and girls must lead battle against ‘widespread and interlinked crises’ - UN News 14.03.22278120
- 9 Influential Female Environmentalists You Should Know - EcoWatch 08.03.22276268
- Women and Feminists for Climate Justice are taking on the Racial Capitalist Climate Patriarchy - Ecologist 10.12.21264768
- Meet seven women saving the planet - UNEP 05.03.21237606
- Women, war and climate change - War Resisters' International 15.12.20230989
- Women and the environment: 25 years on - UNEP 14.09.20231735
- Living Planet: Women environment defenders speak out - DW 30.07.20231750
- 5 women environmental leaders you should know - EcoWatch 06.03.20231761
- The eco gender gap: why is saving the planet seen as women’s work? - Guardian 06.02.20231733
- Gender and the environment: What are the barriers to gender equality in sustainable ecosystem management? - IUCN 23.01.20231732
- Meet 15 women leading the fight against climate change - Time 12.09.19231753
- Inclusion of women in decision-making on environment-related security challenges - OSCE 05.07.19231762
- Report: Women as environmental stewards - The experience of the Small Grants Programme - UNDP 26.06.19231737
- Report: Gender and environment statistics - UN Environment 03/19231758
- Environmental issues are women’s issues - National Women's Law Center 03.08.17231763
- Riane Eisler: Climate Change Kills Women First - 12/0940853
- Alice Stewart (UK) - Our Links (1906-2002)40854
- Lighting the Path to Progress... (WEDO) (Archive 2000)40846
- Grace Thorpe Fights Nuclear Waste - 9/96 (Archive)40850
- Emma Thompson (UK)
- Vandana Shiva (India)
- Wangari Maathai (Kenya)
- Arundhati Roy ! (India)
- The Schmeisers (Canada)
- Erin Brockovich (USA)
- Diane Wilson (USA)
- Medha Patkar and Baba Amte / Narmada Bachao Andolan (India)
- Amory and Hunter Lovins (USA)
- Georgina Downs (UK)
- Bianca Jagger (UK / Nicaragua)
- Lydia Popova (Russia)
- The Body Shop & Anita Roddick (UK)
- Julia Butterfly (USA)
- Maude Barlow (Canada)
- Frances Moore Lappe (USA)
- Judi Bari (USA)
- Petra Kelly (Germany)
- Rachel Carson (USA)
- Marie-Thérèse and Bengt Danielsson (Polynesia)
- Rosalie Bertell (Canada)
- Environment