Sexual & Reproductive Rights
- Gambia lawmakers move forward on bill to reverse FGM ban - MSN 406099
- PSEA Community Outreach and Communication Fund - IASC 440922
- Video: Advancing Women's Sexual and Reproductive Agency - UN Web TV 09.07.24421845
- Sexual and reproductive health for all: 20 years of the Global Strategy - WHO 16.05.24421851
- Violations of women’s reproductive health rights trigger rise in preventable deaths - UN News 17.04.24421848
- Report: Decades of progress in sexual, reproductive health being rolled back - VOA 17.04.24421852
- Sexual and reproductive health and rights - WHO 10.04.24421846
- Trainee FGM ‘cutter’ who fled the Gambia fights renewed risk to girls - Guardian 02.04.24406076
- ‘Over my dead body’, say Gambian mothers amid efforts to lift FGM ban - Al Jazeera 28.03.24406070
- The Gambia may allow female genital mutilation again – another sign of a global trend eroding women’s rights - The Conversation 28.03.24406078
- Gambia Moves to Reverse Ban on Female Genital Mutilation - CFR 25.03.24406081
- UNICEF and UNFPA alarmed by proposed repeal of law banning FGM in The Gambia - UNICEF 22.03.24406072
- The Gambia is debating whether to repeal its ban on female genital mutilation - NPR 22.03.24406079
- Tension mounts as Gambian lawmakers debate repealing landmark FGM ban - CNN 19.03.24406073
- The Gambia votes to reverse landmark ban on female genital mutilation - Al Jazeera 19.03.24406082
- Gambia postpones vote to repeal FGM ban - DW 19.03.24406075
- Gambian MPs Advance Bill to Reverse 8-Year Ban on FGM - VOA 19.03.24406074
- Video: FGM supporters march to overturn ban - Guardian 19.03.24406088
- Gambia lawmakers refer a repeal of the ban on female genital cutting to more committee discussions - AP News 19.03.24406091
- Move to overturn FGM ban in the Gambia postponed - Guardian 18.03.24406085
- Gambian Lawmakers to Vote on Bill to Repeal FGM Ban - VOA 18.03.24406083
- Gambia may become first nation to reverse female genital mutilation ban - CBS 18.03.24406093
- Gambia lawmakers move forward on bill to reverse FGM ban - DW 18.03.24406084
- Gambia could lift ban on female genital mutilation - The Telegraph 18.03.24406096
- Gambian parliament debates bill to reverse ban on female genital mutilation - Reuters 18.03.24406094
- Gambia: Parliament must not lift the ban against female genital mutilation - Amnesty International 15.03.24406071
- Gambia: Urgent call for parliament to keep ban on female genital mutilation - Amnesty UK 15.03.24406095
- African women and girls launch petition to stop the repeal of the ban on Female Genital Mutilation in The Gambia - RW 12.03.24406089
- Three prominent women reveal why sexual and reproductive rights are a major human rights issue - Amnesty International 08.03.24421847
- UN 'Alarmed' At Gambia Draft Bill To Reinstate Female Genital Mutilation - Barron's 06.03.24406098
- FGM in The Gambia: Lawmaker tables bill in parliament to lift ban - BBC 05.03.24406090
- The Alabama Supreme Court opinion holding that embryos are children, explained - Vox 20.02.24398675
- Women’s rights: legislation banning FGM under threat in The Gambia - International Bar Association 08.01.24406077
- Women’s sexual and reproductive rights an ‘unfinished agenda’ - UN News 19.10.23421850
- Despite progress, challenges persist in advancing sexual and reproductive health and rights in the WHO European Region - WHO 18.10.23421849
- FGM ban in the Gambia under threat as calls grow to repeal law - Guardian 11.10.23406087
- IVF, egg storage, fertility ‘windows’: I’m so relieved all that is behind me - Guardian 21.06.23355909
- The activists confronting period taboos in Pakistan - Al Jazeera 28.05.23348217
- It's past time for silence: Men and boys, too, must stand up against FGM - UNICEF 06.02.23406101
- Building resilience for sexual and reproductive health at the community level: learning from three crisis-affected provinces in Pakistan - British Medical Journal 29.09.22308003
- Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita: There is No Constitutional Right to Abortion - Life News 19.09.22306024
- ‘Protesters just scream abuse’: the campaigners battling to make UK abortion clinics safer - Guardian 16.09.22306017
- Roe v Wade: Which US states are banning abortion? - REUTERS 16.09.22306399
- South Carolina Abortion Ban is An Attack on Reproductive Freedom - WREN 09.09.22306027
- Abortion pill: Why Japanese women will need their partner's consent to get a tablet - BBC 31.08.22297046
- Women and young people with disabilities face barriers in sexual and reproductive health and gender-based violence, found UNFPA Pacific’s new reports 23.08.22301907
- Discriminatory Ground in Abortion Law Under Consideration by the Court of Appeal - Oxford Human Rights Hub 07/22306015
- What Spain's New Bill on Sexual and Reproductive Rights Means for Women and Girls - Global Citizen 01.07.22324047
- Bodily autonomy: a cornerstone for achieving gender equality and universal access to sexual and reproductive health and rights - UNFA 04/21297091
- Ensuring human rights within contraceptive service delivery: Implementation guide - UNFPA, WHO 03/15297100
- Reproductive Rights are Human Rights A Handbook for National Human Rights Institutions - UNFPA, The Danish Institute for Human Rights, OHCHR 12/14297101
- Women’s Empowerment and Reproductive Health - UNFPA297103
- 5 lessons from 2024 to ensure sexual and reproductive rights for all in 2025 - UNFPA 26.12.24447286