North America
- Development Organizations in USA39073
- Soroptimist International of the Americas39075
- US has fallen to 41st place in the UN's sustainable development goals rankings - SD's Report 21.09.22309478
- Exit from Auto Hell ! - NI 6/9939076
- NI Online - Country Profiles39077
- Blumont - USA453091
- Building Markets - USA453102
- Convoy of Hope - USA453576
- Feed the Children453663
- Human Concern International453699
- Humentum453706
- Humanitarian Coalition - Canada453723
- Team Rubicon454216
- Atlantic Council for International Cooperation457978
- British Columbia Council for International Cooperation (BCCIC)457980
- Alberta Council for Global Cooperation - Canada 457981
- Canadian Council for International Cooperation - Canada457982
- Quebec Association of International Cooperation Organizations (AQOCI)457983
- Young Francophones for Leadership and Development457984
- Council for International Cooperation - Ontario458044
- Digital Opportunity Trust - Canada458045
- Centre for International Sustainable Development Law - Canada458046
- Paul Gerin-Lajoie Foundation for international cooperation - Canada458047
- JMJ Children's Fund of Canada458084
- International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication458085
- The Canadian Council on Rehabilitation and Work458086
- Sustainable Cities and Communities Foundation458087
- Sun of the Orphans - Canada458088
- MaterCare International - Canada458089
- Rick Hansen Foundation458090
- Rising Out Of The Ashes (ROOTA) - Canada458091
- Micro-Recyc Cooperation458092
- Manitoba Council for International Co-operation458108
- Rooftops Canada 458109
- Humanitarian Coalition - Canada458173
- Real Humanitarian - Canada458174
- Northern Council for Global Cooperation - Canada458206
- North-South Institute - Canada458207
- Foundation for Building Sustainable Communities458208
- World Renew458248
- Vision GRAM-International458249