- 16th Anniversary of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day - NAPSA221286
- Adult Protective Services221284
- Adult Protective Service Association of Ontario221291
- COVID-19 Guidance - INPEA221288
- Elder Abuse - Introduction - ACE221292
- Elder Abuse - Wikipedia25641
- Elder Abuse - WHO25639
- Elder Financial Abuse - Wikipedia25643
- Public Policy – NAPSA221285
- Elder Rights - Wikipedia25640
- HelpAge International221289
- History – NAPSA221290
- Institutional Abuse - Wikipedia25642
- International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse - INPEA25646
- National Adult Protective Services Association - NAPSA (USA)25647
- National Center on Elder Abuse - NCEA25648
- Parental abuse by children - Wikipedia25644
- AARP International - to change how we look at aging 221296
- Advocacy Centre for the Elderly221297
- The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Center for Elder Justice221298
- International Federation on Aging221299
- Older LGBTQI People - IFA221300
- International Longevity Centre Global Alliance (ILC Global Alliance)221301
- National Institute on Aging (Canada)221302
- Silver Rainbow: Ageing and Aged Care (Australia)221303
- FADOQ - advocating for seniors rights (Canada)221304
- Senior-Aware (Canada)221305
- Stakeholder Group on Aging (Africa)221306
- Aids for the Elderly (Ireland)221307
- Hourglass - safer aging, stopping abuse (UK)221481
- Elder abuse in Norway – experiences and strategic solutions (2012)221482
- Violence and abuse against elderly people in Norway: A national prevalence study (2019)221483
- Abuse and neglect in residential care settings. A multi-method study on abuse and neglect of older persons in Norwegian nursing homes (2017-2021)221484
- Age UK221671
- Alberta Elder Abuse Awareness Council (Canada)221672
- Canadian Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse (CNPEA) 221673
- Forms of Abuse - CNPEA221674
- Responding to Abuse - CNPEA221675
- What is elder abuse? - CNPEA221676
- It's not right! - a pan-Canadian approach to address abuse and neglect of older adults221677
- Understanding Senior Abuse - Department of Seniors221678
- Canadian Center for Elder Law221679
- A Practical Guide to Elder Abuse and Neglect Law in Canada221681
- What you can do about ageism - CNPEA221683
- Resources for Seniors - Government of Canada221684
- Aging In Place221685
- RehabNet - Caring for Our Senior Citizens Struggling with Addiction (USA)221686
- Elder Financial Protection Network 221688
- Age Concern (New Zealand) 221689
- Elder Abuse - Asian Pacific Institute on Gender-Based Violence221692
- The staggering social and economic cost of abuse against older people in the UK - Canary 15.11.24441657
- Medicare Fraudster Who Exploited the Elderly in $1.3 Billion Scheme Embodies 'Grotesque' Corruption of Trump Clemency Orders - Common Dreams 23.12.20230572
- Video: Exploring the Updated Practical Guide to Elder Abuse and Neglect Law in Canada 18.06.20221680
- Video: Ian Clark Devine: Fighting Elder Financial Abuse - 17.06.20223971
- Video: World Elder Abuse Awareness Day 2020 Webinar - Seniors Rights Service 17.06.20223968
- Video: Elder Abuse in the time of COVID-19 webinar - Legal Aid NSW 13.05.20223969
- Video: Examining Strategies to Prevent Elder Abuse 1/19223970
- Video: No Voice - Older Immigrant Women: Surviving Violence, Calling for Change (with subtitles) 2/18221682
- Video: An Age for Justice: Confronting Elder Abuse in America 3/10221687
- 2020 World Elder Abuse Awareness Day: The impact of COVID-19 on violence, abuse and neglect of older persons 8.06.20221287
- ‘Chemical Restraints’ Deprive Older People of Liberty UN Expert Describes Care Facilities as de Facto Prisons - HRW 19.09.22305836