- Kashmir - Wikipedia19384
- Kashmir Conflict - Wikipedia19385
- Timeline of the Kashmir Conflict- Wikipedia 19386
- India-Pakistan Relations: A 50-Year History - CGE 250064
- Line of Control - Wikipedia 19387
- Jammu - Wikipedia19388
- Kashmir Virtual Library19389
- Papa II (Interrogation centre) - Wikipedia19390
- Kashmir Human Rights - AHRC19397
- Jammu-Kashmir.com19405
- UT Library Online - Kashmir Maps19407
- Stocking a modern arsenal in India 12/0719391
- Behind the India-Pakistan Ceasefire 12/0319392
- Analysis: South Asia's nuclear brinksmanship - BBC 5/0219398
- Musharraf's Kashmir dilemma - BBC 5/0219399
- Bush warns Pakistan over Kashmir - BBC 5/0219400
- UK moves diplomatic focus to Delhi - BBC 5/0219401
- Who are the Kashmir militants? - BBC19402
- Kashmir - by Islamic Republic of Pakistan (Archive)19408
- Kashmir war scenarios - BBC19403
- India: Human Rights Abuses Fuel Conflict (HRW) (Archive)19410
- India/Pakistan Summit - HRW 7/01 (Archive)19412
- Invasion By Proxy 11/99 (Toward Freedom Magazine) (Archive)19413
- West Fears Kashmir Conflict is Widening 6/99 (Archive)19414
- India/Pakistan: Civilians continue to bear the brunt of Jammu and Kashmir conflict (ai) (Archive)19415
- Online NewsHour with Jim Lehrer - Conflict in Kashmir 6/9919416
- Online NewsHour - Conflict in Kashmir - 6/9919417
- Human Rights Watch Report - India's Secret Army in Kashmir 96 (Archive)19394