General Info
- Nonviolence - Wikipedia18660
- Nonviolent Conflict - Resource Library18661
- Empowering Nonviolence - Nonviolence and power277067
- Waging Nonviolence - news & analysis about nonviolent activism18662
- World Beyond War - Anti-War & Pro-Peace Resources Database272068
- SMALL ACTS of RESISTANCE: How Courage, Tenacity, and Ingenuity Can Change the World 10/10 (amazon)18663
- Global Nonviolent Action Database - Swarthmore College - USA18664
- about nonviolence - Turning the Tide. Nonviolent Power for social change. London / Britain18665
- Pace e Bene - Nonviolence Campaign18666
- TFF - Nonviolence18667
- TFF Video Channel - Nonviolence18668
- TFF - Reconciliation & Forgiveness18669
- TFF Video Channel - Reconciliation18670
- The PEOPLE's CHARTER to Create a Nonviolent World18671
- TFF’s “Behind The Smokescreen” Report - transnational 06.08.21257346
- ROADMAP - A Strategy for Long-term Nonviolent Transformation - Metta Center18674
- Nonviolence 101 ! (multilingual) - an experience-based manual18675
- non-violence sculptures worldwide : knotted gunl - youtube18676
- Category: CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE - Wikipedia18677
- EXAMPLES of Civil Disobedience - Wikipedia18678
- History of the Commonweal Collection - Bradford 199951
- Non-violence Project Foundation18681
- Vijay Mehta - Exploring different aspects of Peace & Nonviolence at the personal & universal level, Part 1 - London 1/10 (YouTube)18682
- Howard Zinn on Non-Violent Civil Disobedience (1985)18684
- A Force More Powerful: A Century of Nonviolent Conflict (PBS) (Archive 2000)18685
- A Force More Powerful (Film) - IMDb18686
- People Power - Video Game18687
- A Peace Bookshelf - Mark Shepard18688
- Peace Power - Journal of Nonviolence & Conflict Transformation (2007)18689
- The King Center - 6 Principles ! (Archive)18690
- The King Center - 6 Steps (Archive)18691
- Ahimsa - The Hindu Ethic of Non-Violence18692
- The success of nonviolent civil resistance: Erica Chenoweth at TEDxBoulder 11/1318693
- In Women's Hands - blog documenting the powerful roles played by women in strategic nonviolent action18694
- Nonviolent Strategy - Robert J. Burrowes18695
- Why Violence? - Robert Burrowes *.pdf18696
- La Non-violence en bref - Centre pour l'Action Non-violente - Switzerland18697
- The Cooperative Power of Nonviolence (Archive)18698
- Philosophy of Nonviolence, Part One (NVWeb) (Archive)18699
- World Without Violence Book Excerpt - M.K. Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence (Archive)18700
- Non Violence in the Work of Cesar Chavez (Archive)18701
- Conversations with Michael Nagler on Nonviolence (FOR) - 3/02 (Archive)18702
- Richard Deats : The Global Development of Movements of Active Nonviolence (Archive)18703
- The Power of Nonviolence - The Nation 1/0218704
- Nonviolence : An Introduction - by Thomas Weber and Robert J Burrowes18705
- Civil Resistance Info18707
- Bibliography for the references for ‘Nonviolent conflict interventions in the panorama of work on conflicts’ - Irenees 11.17210612
- Why Civil Resistance Works - Columbia Press 12/12294867
- Pilgrimage to Non-violence ! - Lanza del Vasto 4/7918709
- Nonviolent Action: A Research Guide18710
- AVC@SL - the virtual Anti-Violence-Campus at Second Life18711
- La Revolución Noviolenta - Dossier18712
- #RageAgainstTheWarMachine195727
- The Power of Non-Violent Resistance - Voluntaryist 27.08.8718713
- Peace Pagoda18714
- Peace Pagoda - Battersea Park18715
- WPPS Peace Pole - Wikipedia18716
- International Day of Non-violence 2 October - wikipedia18717
- Vatican: Pacem in Terris (Peace on Earth) - Wikipedia18718
- How to Start a Revolution221103
- Agorism - Wikipedia357338
- Medicine, Conflict and Survival - Taylor and Francis Online269046