- IssueLab - Peace & Conflict14831
- Positive Peace - Vision of Humanity14832
- Global Peace Index 2023 - IEP 06/23356371
- 10 Most Peaceful Countries in 2023 - Global Peace Index435309
- Global Peace Index ! (GPI) - Vision of Humanity14833
- Global Peace Index (GPI) - Wikipedia14834
- Institute for Economics & Peace (IEP) - Wikipedia14835
- IDRP - Institute for Documentation and Research on Peace289699
- Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict - The Hague, Netherlands14836
- SIPRI - Stockholm International Peace Research Institute - Sweden14837
- SIPRI YearBook14838
- Transnational Foundation for Peace and Future Research - TFF (Sweden)14839
- Mapping Militant Organizations - Stanford University14840
- The Counter Extremism Project 14841
- Civil Resistance Studies14842
- International Peace Institute - IPI14843
- IPI Global Observatory14844
- PUGWASH Conferences on Science and World Affairs - Rome - London - Washington - Geneve14845
- International Student Pugwash14846
- Transcend - A Peace and Development Organisation for Conflict Transformation by Peaceful Means - Johan Galtung14847
- UNIDIR - UN Institute for Disarmament Research14848
- International Action Network on Small Arms (IANSA)14849
- International Peace Institute - Austria / USA14850
- International Peace Research Association - IPRA - Japan/Australia14851
- International Peace & Security Institute - empowering peace makers14852
- INESAP - International Network of Engineers and Scientists against Proliferation14853
- The International Association of High Administrative Jurisdictions.387158
- Global Peace Index 2017 (pdf) 14854
- 22 Organizations Leading the Global PeaceTech Movement - Every Peacebuilding 25.07.23435480
- Iceland Named Most Peaceful Country—Again—as US Ranking Steadily Declines - CD 05.07.23360729
- What the Global Peace Index Does and Does Not Measure - Let's Try Democracy 13.07.22296998
- Attacks on multilateral system threaten global peace and security - The Elders 03.12.19197808
- Peace solutions: Learning from what works and adapting to a changing world - SIPRI 20.06.1714855
- International Peace Research Association (IPRA) Conference - Sydney 6/1014856
- CISAC - Center for International Security and Cooperation (Stanford)14857
- International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty (ICISS) - Canada14858
- International Peace Academy (IPA) - NY14859
- Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs - Facebook197615
- La Fundación Arias - español (Costa Rica)14861
- John Templeton Foundation (USA)14862
- Arms Control Association - ACA14863
- Civil Paths to Peace: Report of the Commonwealth Commission on Respect and Understanding - 11/0714864
- @deepcutsproject240659
- Safer World (UK)14865
- conflict-religion (USA) - Blog14866
- International Conflict Research - INCORE14867
- Peace and Collaborative Development Network14868
- Varna Institute for Peace Research 207287
- Peace Agreements Database221332
- Conflict & Religion - News & Discussion (Archive)14869
- Peace, War & Conflict - The World Revolution14870
- Institut International de recherches pur la paix - GIPRI - Geneve / Switzerland14871
- Yahoo! Search Results for peace+institutes14872
- PJSA Directory of Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution Programs195131
- Africa Center for Strategic Studies455765