Other PEACE Prizes
- Right Livelihood Awards - LAUREATES14794
- UNESCO Prize for Peace Education - Wikipedia14795
- World Peace Prize - Wikipedia 436611
- NIWANO Peace Prize & Laureates14797
- Luxembourg Peace Prize 192502
- World Beyond War - War abolisher awards272067
- Nikkyo Niwano (1906-1999), Japan & Buddhist - Wikipedia14798
- LENIN Peace Prize - Wikipedia14799
- Category:Lenin Peace Prize recipients - Wikipedia14800
- Ramon MAGSAYSAY Award - The Asian Nobel14801
- Ramon Magsaysay Awardees - by year14802
- Ramon Magsaysay Awardees - by country212560
- Ramon Magsaysay Award - Wikipedia212556
- List of Ramon Magsaysay Award winners - Wikipedia212557
- Magsaysay Awardees - Peace & International Understanding14803
- Ramon Magsaysay (1907-1957) - Former Filipino President14804
- RMA Foundation - YouTube Channel212558
- Ramon Magsaysay - Britannica212559
- PACEM in TERRIS Freedom Award14805
- Pacem in Terris Award Recipients - Diocese of Davenport14806
- Pacem in Terris Award - Wikipedia14807
- UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Prize for the Promotion of Tolerance and Non-Violence14808
- Jawaharlal NEHRU Award for international understanding - Wikipedia14809
- Nehru Award - ICCR14811
- Ahmadiyya Muslim Peace Prize - Wikipedia14812
- International Medical Peace Award14813
- Gandhi Peace Award - Promoting Enduring Peace14814
- Gandhi Peace Award Recipients (1960-2004)14815
- Pfeffer Peace Prize & Martin Luther King Jr. Award - FOR USA14816
- The Félix Houphouët-Boigny Peace Prize - UNESCO14818
- Bruno KREISKY Award - Wikipedia14819
- Bruno Kreisky Prize - for services to human rights14820
- Sydney Peace Foundation Prize14821
- World Vision (UK) - Global peacework honoured through awards 200914822
- Greater Tacoma Peace Prize14823
- Pitching for Peace: A Competition for Journalist14824
- Peace Grants–Request for Letters of Intent - M&L Institute 02.03.2214825
- List of Peace Prizes - Wikipedia187809
- Category: PEACE AWARDS - Wikipedia14826
- Basel Peace and Climate action of European Youth (PACEY) Award197398
- International Children's Peace Prize203923
- Iran receives international peace award in India for supporting Palestinians - Press TV 25.01.25457573
- 2023 US Peace Prize has been awarded to National Network Opposing the Militarization of Youth - Pressenza 21.09.23373436
- War Abolisher Award Winners Announced - Pressenza 29.08.23369232
- The US Peace Memorial Foundation has awarded the 2022 US Peace Prize to Costs of War - Pressenza 27.10.22312807
- International Children's Peace Prize Awarded to Divina Maloum and Greta Thunberg - Kids Right 11/19203922
- Note to Correspondents: Peacekeeper from Burkina Faso serving in Mali receives 2022 United Nations Woman Police Officer Award 29.08.22302554