Peace Education

Peace education aims to end the culture of war and provide students of all ages with the skills to manage conflict without violence through various means such as tolerance, respect, dialogue, and negotiation, all whilst upholding fundamental human rights and the dignity of citizens. Peace education is vitally important in spreading the narrative of peace and creating the right conditions for peace to thrive on a long-term basis.
Students of peace studies will delve into the past social, cultural, political, democratic, economic, and psychological conditions which led to some of the worst violent conflicts the world has seen. They analyse what could have been done to avoid such conditions, how sustainable peace could have been achieved, and how to enable it in the future.
Regarded as the pioneer of peace education, Johan Galtung said,
“By peace we mean the capacity to transform conflicts with empathy, without violence, and creatively - a never-ending process.”
Better World Info is an excellent ➡️ platform for peace education providing over 500 informative resources all in one place. Start with the category on peace education news where you can read about latest developments via magazines, social media, podcasts, and blogs. For essential peace tools, such as manuals, teacher toolkits, guides for parents, inspiring quotes on peace, books and films, be sure to check out the recommended resources section.
Search through our top picks of peace education organisations and projects where you will find inspiring international and regional organisations such as Peace Jam, the Hague Appeal for Peace, and the Dalai Lama Center for Peace and Education. Responsible for promoting peace-making skills in our homes, schools, communities, nations, and across the globe, these organisations play a vital role in conflict prevention, cooperation, and the advancement of equality, justice, and inclusion.

If you are interested in learning more about peace studies, then we highly recommend checking out our category peace education courses. Here you can find top institutions which specialise in peace and conflict studies such as Bradford University, and learn about the different under and postgraduate opportunities available. Find also information on individual programmes, short courses, workshops, events, and online learning.
For further reading, we recommend checking out related topics such as peace and conflict research, peace museums, human rights education, and our favourite peace education heroes and awards such as the UNESCO prize for peace education.
German speakers should be sure to visit our sister site Bessere Welt Info for even more insight on Friedenserziehung, Gewaltlosigkeit, and Friedens und Konfliktforschung.
Author: Rachael Mellor, 12.04.23 licensed under CC BY-ND 4.0
For further reading on Peace Education see below ⬇️
Info on Peace Education
- PE News[46]
- General Info[19]
- Peace Education Resources[126]
- Peace Education Organizations[139]
- Peace Education Courses[115]
- Our Links[2]
- Projects[26]
- People[17]
- Awards[9]
- Peace Narratives[13]