Impact of Austerity on the Greek People
- Thousands in Greece strike to protest soaring living costs - Al Jazeera 20.11.24441682
- Greece’s Government Ignores the Deadly Lessons of Austerity - Jacobin 19.03.24403443
- A Greek tragedy: how much can one nation take? - FT 20.01.17160484
- Video: Greek Pensioners Gassed at Protest - Aj+ 10.10.16160485
- The Greeks for whom all the talk means nothing – because they have nothing - Guardian 28.06.15160486
- 'Making us poorer won't save Greece': how pension crisis is hurting its people - Guardian 17.06.15160489
- What Austerity Looks Like in Greece - New Yorker 03/15160490
- The Greek Economic Crisis, The Social Impacts of Austerity. Debunking the Myths - Global Research 02/15160491
- Austerity vs. Democracy in Greece - Foreign Affairs 01/15160495
- What 'austerity' has done to Greek healthcare - 01/15160496
- EU 'violated human rights' in forcing austerity on Greece - EU Business 12/14160497
- Report: Downgrading rights: the cost of austerity in Greece - FIDH 12/14160501
- The Social Impact Of Austerity Measures Imposed By The Troika In Greece - Festival4sce 11/14160502
- In Greece, Austerity Kills - Truth Out 05/14160503
- Austerity in Greece caused more than 500 male suicides, say researchers - Guardian 04/14160507
- Four Years of Austerity in 40 Pictures - Vice 04/14160508
- Report: Greece's health crisis: from austerity to denialism - The Lancet 02/14160509
- Greek austerity tragedy shows where not to make cuts - New Scientist 02/14160512
- Tough austerity measures in Greece leave nearly a million people with no access to healthcare, leading to soaring infant mortality, HIV infection and suicide - Independent 02…160513
- Report: The True Cost of Austerity: Greece Case Study - Oxfam 09/13160517
- Report: The Greek Economic Crisis and the Experience of Austerity - Levy 07/13160518
- Report: Financial crisis and austerity measures in Greece: Their impact on health promotion policies and public health care - Health Policy 06/13160519
- From heart attacks to maternal care: the human cost of austerity in Greece - New Statesman 04/13160523
- Greek crisis hits women especially hard - Guardian 15.06.12160524
- Greek unrest after pensioner suicide beside parliament - BBC 05.04.12160528
- It may well turn out that we are watching not a Greek but a Euro Tragedy - Telegraph 26.02.15160529
- Grim effects of austerity show on Greek streets - FT 17.02.15160530
- Austerity in Greece: The 'Shock Therapy' Killing the Patient - Common Dreams 16.02.12160534
- Financial Oligarch Power Raping Greece - Global Research 14.02.12160535
- From Despair to Resistance: Test Site for Neoliberal Social Engineering - Global Research 14.02.12160536
- Violent Clashes as Parliament Passes Austerity Bill - Spiegel 13.02.12160540
- Greek crisis: thousands join protests as MPs debate bailout deal - Guardian 12.02.12160541
- I fear for a social explosion: Greeks can't take any more punishment - Guardian 12.02.12160542
- IMF worried by social cost of Greek austerity - EU Observer 02.02.12160546
- Greek economic crisis turns tragic for children abandoned by their families - Guardian 28.12.12160547
- Ordinary Greeks turning to NGOs as health system hit by austerity - EU Observer 06.10.11160548
- Greece's healthcare system is on the brink of catastrophe - Guardian 05.08.11160552
- Greek austerity measures could violate human rights, UN expert says - UN 30.06.11160553
- Greece hit by fresh 24-hour strike over austerity plans - BBC 29.06.10160554
- A Depressing Look At Suicide, Homelessness, And Societal Collapse In Post-Austerity Greece - Business Insider 16.05.11160558
- Greek debt crisis: death and destruction in Athens - Guardian 06.5.10160559
- Greek riot deaths: a black day for the cradle of democracy - 06.5.10160560
- Greece crisis: riots continue - Telegraph 06.5.10160563
- Greek crisis in pictures: Athens in turmoil as riot police and protesters clash in Greece (Photo Gallery) - Telegraph 05.5.10160564
- Greece's austerity measures - BBC 05.5.10160567
- Greece erupts in violent protest as citizens face a future of harsh austerity - Guardian 02.5.10160568
- Public sector workers to pay a heavy price for Greek bailout - Guardian 02.5.10160569
- Greece's 'death spiral' - BBC 28.04.10160572