Selected VIDEOS
- YouTube Channel - Occupy LSX121394
- Jon Snow discusses the Occupy LSX eviction on Channel 4 News 28.02.12121405
- Occupy London encampment cleared by City of London (Video) - Guardian 28.02.12121406
- Occupy Everywhere! In Tents (great!) 14.12.11121411
- Occupy Everywhere - D15 - YouTube 12.12.11121412
- 'The banks have taken over democracy’ ! - Vanessa Baird 01.12.11121413
- Occupy London takes over empty offices owned by UBS bank - Video 18.11.11121417
- Occupy Wall Street activists meet to discuss ideas for 'occupying' opinion journalism - Video 15.11.11121418
- David Harvey - Tent City University, OccupyLSX 12.11.11121419
- Tony Benn Speech - Occupy London - YouTube 09.11.11 121423
- St Paul's cathedral halts legal action against Occupy London protesters - Video 01.11.11121424
- Video: Tour of greed to Occupy Finsbury Square - Indymedia 22.10.11121428
- Fox News UK at the Occupy LSX - YouTube 20.10.11121429
- BBC Newsnight with Jeremy Paxman & Michael Moore 18.10.11 (min 15-26)121430
- Occupy London LSX Interviews - Why are you here? 16.10.11121434
- Occupy London: Protesters remain outside St Paul's - BBC 16.10.11121435
- Day One of Occupy the London Stock Exchange 2011 - YouTube 15.10.11121436
- Short film: Occupy London (OccupyLSX) - St Pauls Protest 15 October 121440
- George Barda @ OccupyLSX - Occupy Compassion, Courage & Possibility - YouTube 15.10.11121441
- Occupy the London Stock Exchange protest - Guardian Video 15.10.11121442
- Julian Assange Speech Occupy London Stock Exchange October 15 2011 - YouTube121443
- The big rip off 13th oct 2011 - YouTube121444