Barrett Brown (USA)
- Twitter - Free Barrett Brown131182
- Free Barrett Brown131183
- Links & Articles131184
- Supporters131185
- Twitter131186
- Wikipedia131187
- YouTube131188
- Google News131189
- Guardian131190
- Vanity Fair131191
- Project PM131192
- YouTube Channel131193
- HB Gary - Project PM131194
- HB Gary - Wikipedia131195
- Hacktivism - Wikipedia435399
- 2012 Stratfor Email Leak - Wikipedia131196
- The Indictment of Barrett Brown - Scribd131197
- Barrett Brown faces 105 years in prison - HuffPost Video131198
- Book: My Glorious Defeats: Hacktivist, Narcissist, Anonymous: A Memoir 7/24435403
- Confessions of a Hacktivist - New Republic / TNR 19.07.24435402
- The Ballad of Barrett Brown - New York Magazine 20.02.24435401
- US stops jailed activist Barrett Brown from discussing leaks prosecution - Guardian 04.09.13131199
- For investigating private intelligence practices, American journalist faces 105 years in prison 11.07.13131200
- The Strange Case of Barrett Brown - Nation 18.06.13131201
- The persecution of Barrett Brown - and how to fight it - Glenn Greenwald 21.03.13131202
- Anonymous (hacker group) - Wikipedia435400
- @ProjPM435404