- Campaign Against Arms Trade (CAAT) !88468
- Campaign: Make Trident count - CND 11.19199128
- Action AWE - facebook88470
- Arms Reduction Coalition (ARC) - UK88471
- Arms Conversion Project (ACP) - UK (Archive)88472
- Strategic Concept for Removal of Arms and Proliferation (SCRAP)88473
- Quakers in Britain - Disarmament88474
- Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) !88475
- #StopDSEI88476
- Trident Ploughshares 200088477
- Wheel stop Trident88478
- Abolition 2000 UK88479
- Verification Research, Training and Information Centre (VERTIC)88480
- Northern Friends Peace Board - NFPB88481
- Income Tax (Non-Military Expenditure) Bill 2016-17 – Parliament.UK 1688482
- Taxes for Peace Bill – Conscience Online 1688483
- The Lucas plan: how Greens and trade unionists can unite in a common cause – Ecologist 02.11.1688484
- MPs vote for Trident renewal by majority of 355 – as it happened – Guardian 12.08.1688485
- YU Divest: the movement to remove weapons investing from York University – Organization for World Peace 29.07.1688486
- Presentation: The militarisation of science and technology – Dr Stuart Parkinson, Scientists for Global Responsibility 04.06.16 .pdf88488
- The truth about Trident: disarming the nuclear argument - Taylor&Francis Online 03.05.1888489
- Caroline Lucas: Mounting cost of Trident renewal is ‘eye-watering’ – 12.05.1688492
- Global Campaign on Military Spending UK88493
- Presentation: UK Military-Industrial interests and climate change - Dr Stuart Parkinson, Scientists for Global Responsibility 05.12.15 .pdf88494
- The truth about UK defence spending – 04.12.1588495
- Caroline Lucas: The Prime Minister’s narrow focus risks our security – New Statesman 24.11.1588496
- Bang on target: a brief union history of arms conversion – 9/1588497
- UK energy R&D – time for a rethink – Scientists for Global Responsibility 03.06.1588499
- What if the UK spent less money on defence instead of more? - 03.04.1588502
- Report: Trident & jobs: the case for a Scottish defence diversification agency – 4/15 .pdf88503
- The Hammer Blow: How 10 Women Disarmed a War Plane - Amazon 29.01.16199235
- Report: Arms to renewables: work for the future – 10/14 CAAT .pdf88504
- The UK government’s stand against humanitarian disarmament – Open Democracy 13.02.1488505
- – Quaker Peace & Social Witness (pdf) 3/1488506
- The Lucas Plan: What can it tell us about democratising technology today? – Guardian 22.01.1488507
- Video: Lucas Plan documentary 1978 – Steps Centre 1/1488508
- Arms to renewables – CAAT 1488509
- Lords debates multilateral nuclear disarmament - UK Parliament 1/1388510
- Video: Play the Budget right – CAAT 18.04.1388511
- A real Green Deal – 10/0988513
- Arms conversion for a low carbon economy – Scientists for Global Responsibility 0988514
- George Monbiot: Only paranoia can justify the world’s second biggest military budget – Guardian 28.11.0688515
- The Lucas Aerospace workers’ campaign – Young Fabian pamphlet 11/7788516