Events to be filed
- Global Congress on Intellectual Property and the Public Interest - Rio de Janeiro 12/126678
- Israeli APARTHEID Week, February 25 - March 106679
- ICAN Civil Society Forum - Oslo, March 2-36681
- DUBLIN Anarchist Bookfair - April 5-76694
- Labour's campaign - One Nation tax policy - April 66696
- Vrede van Utrecht - 300 years, April6697
- Treaty of Utrecht - April 17136698
- UK GREEN FILM Festival - June 1-86707
- Alter Summit - Athens, June 7-86709
- International Day of Action For MILITARY-FREE Education and Research - June 146713
- SHEFFIELD DOC/Fest - June 12-166717
- European Network Against ARMS TRADE (annual meeting) - Zürich, June 14-166718
- NETROOTS NATION - San Jose, California, June 20-236725
- UK PILGRIMAGE for Peace & Economic Justice (May 19 - July 20)6733
- Movilización National por la Objeción de Conciencia al Servicio Militar Obligatora - Bogota, Colombia, August 246743
- YOUTH FUTURE Conference - Bonn, September 1-76748
- Demonstration - Tell Congress : Vote 'No War on Syria!' - San Francisco, September 116749
- IPB Triennial Conference - Stockholm, September 13-156752
- 8th Annual Victoria Anarchist Bookfair - Victoria, Canada, September 14-156753
- 8th UNHCR Refugeee Film Festival - Tokyo, Japan - 28 Sept - 6 Oct6759
- Anarchist Book Fair - Malmö, Sweden, October 4-66761
- World SOLAR Challenge 2013 - Australia, October 6-136763
- Antifascist Festival and Anarchist Bookfair - Zrenjanin, Serbia, October 11-126764
- Global Investigative Journalism Conference6766
- Celebration Peace Prize 2013 of the German Book Trade - Frankfurt/Main, October 136767
- Environment and Energy 2013 - International Exhibition Centre Riga, Latvia, October 17-206768
- DISARMAMENT Week - October 22-286770
- 7th Human Rights documentary film festival "Inconvenient Films" - Vilnius, Lithuania, October 23-306771
- 8th European Peace Research Association Conference - North Cyprus, November 7-96773
- Winnipeg Anarchist BookFair & DIY Fest - Winnipeg, Canada, November 8-106774
- GREEN FESTIVAL - San Francisco, November 9-106775
- Anarchist Book Fair - Sao Paulo, Brasil, November 106776
- CLIMATE CHANGE Conference 2013 - Warsaw, Poland, November 11-226777
- March & Train for Climate and Social Justice - COP19, Warsaw, Poland, November 11-166778
- Conference : The EU and the promise of democracy: What can Citizenship Education and Civil Society contribute ? - The Hague, November 14-166779
- March Against Main Stream Media - November 166780
- EP: 2013 Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought - Strasbourg, November 206783
- Sakharov Prize 2013 for Freedom of Thought - EU Parliament, Strasbourg, November 206784
- Karama Human Rights Film Festival - Amman, Jordan, December 5-106786
- Stop the Fracking Madness - Barton Moss Protest Rally, December 86787
- Civic Education Conference Egypt - Bibliotheca Alexandria, December 8-106788
- 30C3 - 30th Chaos Communication Congress - Hamburg, December 27-306790
- 4th International Uranium Film Festival 2014 - Submission deadline: January 16791
- Citizen's Initiative on Abolition of Conscription in Finland - ongoing until March 26794
- Tous sur les Pont pour l'arret du Nucléaire - March 9 - Fukushima-Fessenheim - Rhine Valley6795
- Tous sur les Pont pour l'arret du Nucléaire - March 9 - Coordination Manifestation6796
- Prague Anarchist Bookfair - Czechia - 19-20 April6800
- World Ice Hockey Championship 2014 - Minsk, Belarus, May 9-256806
- European Days of Action 15-25 May6808
- European Parliament Election 22-25 May 2014 - website6810
- Ukrainian presidential election - May 25 (Archive)6811
- CeDEM14 International Conference for E-Democracy and Open Government - Krems, Austria, May 21-236812
- European Network Against Arme Trade - Oslo, Norway - 6-8 June6813
- Catalans want to vote - Human Towers for Democracy - 8 June6814
- 81st edition Anarchist Festival Pinksterlanddagen - Utrecht, June 7-96818
- Youth Forum - OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and HR - Warsaw, June 16-176821
- Exhibition : Gulag. Traces and testimonies 1929-1956 - Leipzig, until June 29 6823
- 24th International Network for Urban Research and Action Conference 2014 : Between Big Ideas and Life's Reality - Belgrade, June 22-256825
- 15th International Conference of the Utopian Studies Societies - Prague, July 2-56829
- Small Actions, Big Movements : The Continuum of Nonviolence - WRI Conference, Cape Town, July 4-86830
- Act now against Climate Catastophe. From Satyagraha to Ujaman - Cape Town, SA - July 56832
- NETROOTS Nation - Detroit, July 17-206835
- Civil Society Forum - Southern African Development Community - Harare, Zimbabwe - July 27-316842
- Camp antinucléaire à Kiel, Allemagne - 9-16 August6848
- 21st IPPNW World Congress - Astana, Kazakhstan, August 25-306858
- Dr. Mads Gilbert (Gaza) - South African Speaking Tour, August 26-306859
- Internet Governance Forum 2014 - Istanbul, Turkey - Sept 2-56863
- Energise! Network! Mobilise! - European Digital Rights - Belgrade, Serbia - 4-5 Sept6864
- Canadian Connected 2014 - CIRA Symposium and AGM - Calgary - 7 Sept6868
- Freedom Film Fest - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - Sept 6-136869
- Enlightened Anarchism. Interdisciplinary Conference - Lapin Yliopisto, Finland - Sept 11-146871
- Software Freedom Day 2014 - international locations - 20 September6876
- West Africa Peacebuilding Institute (WAPI 2014) - Accra, Ghana - Sept 1-266877
- European Mobility Week - September 16-226880
- People CLIMATE Mobilisation (global) - Sept 20-216882
- Street Art & Graffiti Festival - Vienna, Austria - Sept 19-266887
- Grand Opening: Nonviolence Research and Education Center - Istanbul, Turkey - Sept. 266889
- Luxembourg: Freedom Not Fear - Manifestation Gare de Luxembourg - Sept 276891
- Invitation à l’assemblée FSM2016 - Montréal, Canada - Oct 46896
- Global Action Day against use of DRONES for surveillance & killing - Oct 46898
- European Citizens' Initiative against TTIP and CETA - Campaign Start: September6899
- KROK 2014 - 21st international animated film festival - Russia, Sept 29 - Oct 66900
- Global FRACKDOWN - October 116902
- World Summit of Nobel Laureates - Cape Town, South Africa - Oct 13-156906
- 3rd International CopyCamp Conference 2014 - Warsaw, Poland, Nov 6-76908
- Demonstration : We Won't Pay the Water Tax - Newcastle, Limerick, Ireland - Nov 226911
- International Forum "Genocide in the historical memory of nations and in the information wars of modernity" - Moscow, Nov 286915
- Demonstration : We Won't Pay Water Tax - Limerick, Ireland - Nov 296916
- Prisoner for Peace Day 2014 - International - Dec 1st6920
- UN Climate Change Conference - COP20/CMP10 - Lima, Peru, December 1-26921
- International Film Festival on Human Rights "Stalker" - Moscow, Dec 56924
- One Year Dokumentationsstelle Atomfreie Schweiz - Basel - 1 April6930
- Pojeď na Ende Gelande - zažiješ klimatickou spravedlnost v akci - Prague, Czechia - 4 April6933
- Democracy Spring March - April 2nd, we begin a 10-day, 140-mile march from the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia, PA to the Capitol building in Washington, D.C.6934
- international conference NEC 2016 “Nuclear Energy – Expensive Gamble” - Prague, Czechia - 5 April 6938
- Black Mist White Rain Speaking Tour - Australia - 4-7 April6939
- Encontro Nacional pela Justiça Climática – Lisboa, Portugal - 8-9 April6944
- Stop the TPP - Australian Nationwide Strike - 9 April6947
- Beyond Coal and Gas National Conference - Myuna Bay, Australia - 8-11 April6950
- Climate Justice Training - Stockholm, 9-10 April6951