Information Poverty
- Info Poverty - UNICEF450850
- Digital Empowerment Foundation - DEF (India)450851
- #InformationPoverty450859
- #AccessToInformation450861
- #KnowledgeGap450864
- #DigitalDivide450862
- Digital divide - Wikipedia450865
- Knowledge gap hypothesis - Wikipedia450866
- osamamanzer - in450852
- @OsamaManzar450854
- The Concept of Information Poverty and How to Measure it in the Latin American Context - DIRSI 456182
- The Digital Divide: what does it mean to be information-poor? - University of Essex 23.08.23456190
- Information Poverty and Its Impact on Health - Medium 02.05.23456185
- Osama Manzar: The man who travelled to 10,000 villages 10/22450853
- Video: Theory of Information Poverty - Anntwanette Sulton 4/22450856
- Exploring the early manifestation of information poverty in young children - JOLIS, 2022450912
- Examining the factors influencing information poverty in western China - Emerald Insight 12.12.20456192
- Publication: What is Data Poverty? - Nesta 12/20456186
- Social Divide Persists Digital Divide - DEF 10/20450917
- Break the Cycle: Tackling Information Poverty as a Means of Eradicating Income Poverty - IFLA 16.10.18450913
- Eradicating information poverty: An agenda for research - Sage 14.10.18450916
- Video: Fighting Poverty with Data - BIDS, Berkley 4/18450857
- How can developing countries make the most of the digital revolution? - World Bank 03.03.17456194
- How poverty affects people’s decision-making processes - JRF 02/17456188
- Book: Overcoming Information Poverty - Anthony Mckeown, 2016450914
- Video: Eradicating information poverty: Osama Manzar at TEDxStavanger 9/13450858
- Video: TEDxGurgaon - Osama Manzar - Information Poverty 2/12450855
- “Keep it secret, keep it safe”: Information Poverty, Information Norms, and Stigma - American Society for Information Science and Technology, 2012456184
- To Know or not to Know: A Moral Reflection on Information Poverty - Sage 06/04450915
- Curbing the effects of information poverty on nutrition - LBS 456191
- #Lib4Dev450860
- #km4dev450863
- DEF - Case Stories450899
- DEF - Annual Reports450900
- DEF - Partners450901
- DEF - Videos450902
- DEF - Campaigns450903
- Defindia - Museum of digital society450918
- Defindia - Education & Empowerment450919