- Alliance for Climate Protection (Al Gore)150025
- 350 org - USA150026
- 350 Salem OR150027
- 350 pdx - building the climate movement150028
- Sierra Club150029
- Our Power Campaign150030
- US Climate Action Network150031
- system change not climate change - an ecosocialist coalition150032
- US Government Lists Non-Violent 'Valve Turner' Climate Activists as Threat on Par With Murderous Neo-Nazis - Common Dreams 13.01.20196307
- SystemChangeNotClimateChange - facebook150033
- Women's Earth & Climate Change Network International - USA150034
- Moral Action on Climate150035
- Fairbanks Climate Action Coalition - Alaska150037
- Citizen's Climate Lobby150038
- Climate Reality Project150039
- Climate Reality Project ! - Al Gore / World150040
- Climate Reality Project - Presenters150041
- Climate Reality Leadership Corps - Climate Reality Project150042
- Rising Tide North America150043
- Union of Concerned Scientists - Global Warming150044
- Catholic Climate Covenent150045
- Alliance for Climate Protection - Wikipedia150046
- Clean Air-Cool Planet (USA)150047
- National Council for Solar Growth - guidance for home owners150048
- Leonardo Di Caprio150049
- NextGen Climate150050
- The Climate Group (not U.N.)394706
- EcoInternet150051
- We Are Power Shift150052
- Global CoLab Network - tw 195263
- Defend Our Future - tw194446
- Center for Clean Air Policy (CCAP)150053
- Climate Counts394707
- Global Green USA150054
- Pew Trust150055
- 1Sky150056
- Washington Youth Climate Strike - Brightest 192372
- Youth Climate Action Team192381
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration455729
- National Hurricane Center (NHC)455730
- Permanent Interstate Committee for Drought Control in the Sahel455731
- US Geological Survey455744
- Coordination Center for the Prevention of Natural Disasters in Central America455760