- German Advisory Council of Global Chance209272
- Ende Gelände - Here and no further - campaign website150057
- @ende_gelande328487
- KlimaCamp im Rheinland - Germany150058
- Lausitz Climate and Energy Camp - Germany150059
- Climate Alliance - Germany150060
- Prima Klima - Climate protection - Germany150061
- ausgeCO2hlt150062
- Queers for Future 187726
- Klima*Kollektiv - Köln150063
- German Watch - on: climate change 150064
- GenderCC - Women for Climate Justice457049
- Climate Action Network Association457050
- Climate Analytics457051
- Climatenet 457052
- Confederation of German Forest Owners Associations457053
- Adelphi Consult457054
- Desertec Foundation457055
- European Business Council for a Sustainable Energy Future457056
- Green Budget Germany (Forum Ökologisch-Soziale Marktwirtschaft) - Germany457076
- 'Biodiversity in Good Company' Initiative457077
- German League for Nature and Environment (Deutscher Naturschutzring - DNR)457078
- International Network for Environmental Management (INEM)457107
- International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM)457108
- International Forestry Students' Association457109
- Naturschutzbund Deutschland - NABU457110
- Oeko-Institut (Institute for applied ecology)457111
- International Solar Energy Society457112
- International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics: IUGG457113
- IKEM - Institute for Climate Protection, Energy and Mobility457114
- German Advisory Council on Global Change457115
- Germanwatch 457116
- International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing457117
- Plant-for-the-Planet Foundation457118
- Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research457119