Climate Injustice
- Climate Justice Now!125192
- Climate Ethics255193
- Catholic Teachings on Climate Change - GCCM125200
- National Climate Ethics Campaign125195
- Climate and Sustainability Ethics Initiative - Penn State 125193
- Climate Ethics and Future Generations324510
- University of Warwick - Ethics in Climate and Development324520
- Take the St. Francis Pledge - Catholic Climate Covenent125197
- Climate Justice - Wikipedia125191
- Climate Ethics - Wikipedia125190
- Climate Change & the Paris Deal - Ethics Unwrapped324522
- Environmental Justice, Climate Justice, and Energy Justice—What Do They Mean? - UCS 28.01.25456973
- Is it worse to have no climate solutions – or to have them but refuse to use them? - Guardian 16.10.24435458
- 'Criminally Insane': Subsidies That Harm the Environment Reach $2.6 Trillion Per Year - CD 18.09.24433033
- Publication: Protecting Nature by Reforming Environmentally Harmful Subsidies - Earth Track 15.09.24433032
- Climate Finance: The Planet is Speaking, Listen and Respond with Justice - Global Issues 11.06.24418682
- Time to make polluters pay - Greenpeace 10.06.24418615
- Rich Nation Hypocrisy Accelerating Global Heating - Global Issues 24.04.24408640
- More Than $100 Billion in Debt-for-Nature Swaps Could Help Fight Climate Crisis, Report Says - EcoWatch 15.04.24407972
- Publication: The unjust climate: Impacts of climate change on rural poor, women and youth - FAO 05.03.24403532
- Confronting the Climate Crisis Can Also Advance Socio-Economic Rights - HRW 15.02.24399908
- 2023's Costliest Weather Disasters Reveal 'Double Inequality' of Climate Crisis - CD 27.12.23393565
- Why Climate Justice and Global Financial Reform Are Inseparable - Global Issues 08.12.23388272
- 1 Percenters Emit More CO2 Than Bottom 2/3 of Global Population - Mother Jones 21.11.23385237
- Australia’s offer of climate migration to Tuvalu residents is groundbreaking – and could be a lifeline across the Pacific - Conversation 11.11.23384348
- What’s the fairest climate policy of all? - Antropocene Mag 21.08.23370319
- 10 Facts About the Injustice of the Climate Crisis (and 6 That Show There's Still Hope) - Global Citizen 07.08.23365022
- Somalis are dying because of a climate crisis they didn’t cause. More aid isn’t the answer - Guardian 22.03.23346641
- Stop Rewarding Destroyers of Our World and Punishing Those Defending It - CD 05.03.23333514
- Video: Youth4Climate Booth Questions: Climate justice - Connect4Climate 19.01.23326737
- African countries urge rich nations to honour $100bn climate finance pledge - Guardian 06.10.22308905
- Video: Why is Africa bearing the brunt of the climate crisis? - Guardian 06.10.22308904
- Climate Change is a Moral Crisis. But Our Political System Doesn't Treat It That Way - Time 28.07.22324526
- A 17-minute flight? The super-rich who have ‘absolute disregard for the planet’ - Guardian 21.07.22296285
- The Importance of Ecofeminism and Environmental Ethics - Earth 06.07.22324529
- Is It Ethical to Have Children Amid the Climate Crisis? - NY Times 18.06.22324527
- Climate Injustice: Those Who Face Record Heat Wave in India & Pakistan Did Not Create the Crisis - DN! 02.05.22286217
- Ethics of the Environment: Political corruption and the climate crisis - Tufts Daily 25.04.22324528
- The green gig economy: precarious workers are on the frontline of climate change fight - Conversation 21.04.22292173
- Telling people to ‘follow the science’ won’t save the planet. But they will fight for justice - Guardian 28.12.21268834
- Video: Environmental Justice: How Capitalism Threatens Humanity - Second Thought 12.11.21273937
- The Global Climate Wall: Wealthy Nations Prioritize Militarizing Borders Over Climate Action - Democracy Now! 10.11.21264108
- Ethical choices behind quantifications of fair contributions under the Paris Agreement - Nature 01.04.21324511
- The ‘1%’ are the main drivers of climate change, but it hits the poor the hardest: Oxfam report - CNBC 26.01.21324516
- A Better Planet, 40 Big Ideas - Sonnenseite 24.02.21237381
- Journal: The Role of Climate Ethics in Biodiversity Conservation - Mark Omorovie Ikeke, 2021324524
- Book: Climate Change Ethics for an Endangered World - Thom Brooks, 2021324523
- Confronting carbon inequality - Oxfam 21.09.20324515
- Working paper: Towards Transformative Climate Justice: Key Challenges and Future Directions for Research - IDC 07/20324512
- The Intergenerational Ethics of Climate Change - Columbia Climate School 11.11.19324530
- The unfair burden of climate change - Climate Reality Project 30.10.19324532
- For the sake of life on Earth, we must put a limit on wealth - Guardian 19.09.19188717
- When calling out environmental hypocrisy is nothing but a cynical ploy - The Guardian 23.08.19188518
- The ethical principles of climate change - UNESCO 09.08.19255192
- Working paper: Climate Change and Social Inequality - DESA 10/17324533
- The Unequal Burden of Rising Temperatures: How Can Low-Income Countries Cope? - IMF 27.09.17324531
- Five ways to achieve climate justice - Guardian 12.01.15324514
- Report: A burden to share?: Addressing unequal climate impacts in the Least Developed Countries - JSTOR 01.11.13324535
- Working paper: Climate justice: Equity and justice informing a new climate agreement - WRI 09/13324513
- Climate Change Ethics: Navigating the Perfect Moral Storm 12/12 (amazon)125198
- Ethics and global climate change - Nature, 2012255191
- Climate Ethics: What Can Science Tell Us? 8/11125199
- Climate ethics - Research Gate 01/11324521
- Ethics and Climate Change: An Introduction - GSDRC, 2010324518
- Book: Climate Ethics: Essential Readings - Stephen M. Gardiner, Simon Caney & Dale Jamieson, 2010324519
- The Ethics of Climate Change - Yale 02.06.08324517
- The Ethics of Climate Change: Pay Now or Pay More Later? - Scientific American 01.06.08324525
- Unequal impacts - Nature 22.11.07324534