Learn how you can use Better World Info as a tool to change our planet for the better. Excellent resource for teachers and learners at all levels. Explore how peace, environment, human rights, and political education can be empowering. Find excellent news media resources, including how-to guides for social media advocacy. Find a world leading medical resource handpicked by a physician, and finally read our blog to stay up to date on key global issues.
The significance of education as a tool of empowerment, peace, and democracy should not be underestimated. Better World Info recognises the invaluable contribution of education as a way improve our world. Knowledge is the key to greater equality, whether it be economic, health, gender, or any other form.
Stay informed, learn about your rights, find free courses, and so much more in our unique guide to education, the news media, health, and even our very own blog!

Our education hub provides access to essential resources, news, and organisations. You will find key information on libraries, e-learning, critical consciousness, and the exciting world of open education.
In our category for schools you can find out more about general school subjects including STEM education and gender education, as well as separate categories for teachers and students. Discover excellent resources featuring international students, school violence, bullying, alternative schools, home schooling, and so much more.
In the university section you will find a lot of information on universities around the world, including guides, tuition fees, and the latest news. There are topics on student unions, movements, groups, and magazines. There is also a section featuring exemplary scientists, who are the role models for today's students. Continuing the theme of science, you will find extensive information on statistical analysis and ethics, including research, ethics centres, scientific misconduct, and grant proposals.
Lifelong learning proves that education does not necessarily end with school. At Better World Info you can find out more about adult education and literacy. There is a brilliant guide featuring important organizations, as well as comprehensive resources covering civic education, popular education, critical consciousness, and even inspiring TED Talks to help you on your adult learning journey.
We believe that education can be used to help create a better world. As such, Better World Info is the place to find information on peace education. Find a complete list of the incredible people, organizations, and projects working for, and supporting peace, as well as a huge resource on suitable teaching materials, made especially for peace educators. There is detailed information on peace courses available, events, workshops, and even online opportunities.
Climate and environmental education been never been so essential as global warming, and the biodiversity crisis worsens. More than ever, it is vital to adapt education to prepare future generations for challenges to come, and explore potential solutions. Find key resources, organisations, and much more at Better World Info.
Understanding our fundamental human rights is the first step in the defence of these very rights. Human rights studies empowers learners, and sows the seeds for the world's future lawyers, campaigners, defenders, aid workers, and leaders. You can find top organisations, colleges, scholarships, internships, graduate programmes, and resources for schools.
Low turnout among young voters signifies that civic education needs to become a much bigger focus in schools. Lack of desire to vote, and political apathy correlates strongly with a lack of education. Without sufficient knowledge of politics, and how it affects everything around us, it is difficult to imagine how your single vote would count.
Better World Info provides an extensive toolbox of easy to navigate political information, it can be used both as teaching material and for self-education. You will also find excellent independent news platforms who discuss political events without bias.
In our category on philosophy, learn all about humanism and influential philosophers through the ages, as well as human beliefs, moral values and virtues, and how knowledge and experiences matter.
Education in the digital age has made knowledge freely available to all. Better World Info investigates the good and bad side of this new world, and how you can use it to keep yourself informed with reliable and factual information.
Social media has become a part of our everyday lives - Unfortunately, these news media platforms often do not reflect reality. Critical awareness and media literacy is vital in order to avoid the spread of fake news.
Better World Info offers excellent guides on how to navigate social media in a healthy and productive way. Issues with filter bubbles, data protection, and even mental health are covered.
E-learning and MOOCs (Massive Open Online Resources) have grown exponentially in recent years, even more so with the coronavirus pandemic. Digital education has become a flexible, and often free way to enable learning, for many students it has now become the norm.
Open education allows for unlimited participation, and open-access resources such as course material and content. This helps remove barriers to education, and ensure a more inclusive approach. With increasing global access to the internet, the scope for education and knowledge is always expanding.
Better World Info strives to be the best tool in supporting both educators and students. Handpicked content is provided freely, to assist those who seek knowledge, and to those who want to use it to help change the world. As Mandela said, ‘education is the most powerful weapon’, and this educational tool is the stepping stone to realising that it is within your reach.

Welcome to Better World Info’s news media hub. Our guide to the news industry explores how the world is provided with different versions of current global events.
Discover excellent journalistic organisations upholding the truth and ensuring that it is disclosed to the public. We look into the increasing popularity of NGO journalism, and investigate top issues which have rocked the journalist community. Find a special category featuring WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, who is still being held under espionage charges for exposing U.S. military wrongdoing in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Search media by country to find top news resources in each region of the world, from alternative media to corporate mainstream, you will even find good news to cheer up your day.
Delve deep into our excellent investigative journalism category, which features our selection of the world's best investigative journalists providing critical comments on the most pressing issues today.
News media censorship and under-reported news are major threats to freedom of information. Find organisations fighting to stop this form of repression, and ensure that knowledge cannot be hidden or twisted. Discover the journalists who despite danger to their own lives, continue to work uncovering the stories that politicians and the powerful don’t want us to see.
Corporate media and global media giants have a lot to answer for – Better World Info looks into media ownership, corporate propaganda, media conglomerates, whitewashing, and use of the mainstream media as a distraction from real issues that governments don’t want us to think about.
Digital media has enabled the spread of information like never before. But with this, citizens must now deal with fake news and online filter bubbles. Learn how fake news is a threat to democracy, how to spot it, and how to avoid online bias from algorithms.
Find out everything you need to know about social media with this must-have guide on how you can use it as an advocacy and campaigning tool, information on data mining, protecting your privacy, online activism, and the dangers of social media addiction and mental health risks.
Checkout and follow our brilliant Twitter lists, giving you up to the minute access to expert individuals and organisations. Find more information in our top social media recommendations, and our excellent RSS feeds.
If you still want to know more, Better World Info’s exemplary journalist category will give you in-depth background on our favourite critical reporters working hard to bring the public the truth.

Better World Info’s worldwide health resource is updated regularly by a physician, and is the place to find reliable and trustworthy information on healthcare. Find access to top news sources, health organisations, and research institutes working hard to provide information, new treatments, and exceptional care.
Under global health discover interesting publications, a brilliant WHO directory, a guide to antibiotic resistance, health as a human right, sanitation, health and development, the vaccination debate, mental health, and more.
Looking to start on your healthy lifestyle journey? Better World Info has you covered! There are lots of temptations in today's society, which in moderation can be enjoyed as part of a healthy life. We investigate all aspects of smoking and the tobacco industry, issues with alcohol and drug abuse, and sugar addiction and obesity. In each area you will find lots of useful organisations, tips, and useful guidance.
You can also learn all about fitness, yoga, sport, and relaxation techniques, as well as tips for healthy breastfeeding, and healthy diets including vegetarian and vegan options.
Our information by disease category is home to the most up to date, relevant, and reliable knowledge and guidance on all major diseases. The category is divided into simple to use categories including first aid guides, infections, children, allergies, cancer, diabetes, neurology, psychiatry, and cardiology.
Special highlights include Better World Info’s world leading medical information resource on COVID-19 - with over 17,500 handpicked links by a physician. Read the latest news, statistics, and expert analysis on the coronavirus, its effect on global health, and the economy.
Other special features include comprehensives guides to the recent monkeypox outbreak, the HIV/AIDS epidemic, Ebola, and swine flu.
With incredible scientific discoveries and the advancement of technology, the healthcare industry has been able to improve the quality of life of millions. Unfortunately, the inequality of healthcare services is vast. In our health and politics category we investigate key issues whereby an individual's health status is impacted by social, financial, and political factors.
Learn more about the successes and failures of various healthcare reforms, the devastating effects of NHS privatisation and cuts, the right to die, and other contentious issues.

Better World Info writers deliver insightful articles related to a better world, and our growing project. You will find explainers on how our directory can be used as a tool for peace activists and human rights defenders, and how you can get involved with campaigning, advocacy, and our platform.
Learn how we serve as a platform for education for universities, schools, teachers, and students. It empowers learners with knowledge, inspires a culture of lifelong learning, and promotes education as a tool for a better planet.
Find information on how you can use the website to network with likeminded individuals and organisations, how you can share your own expertise, and use it as a knowledge hub for key issues that are affecting humankind.
Checkout our guide to the recent COP 26 conference, especially made for activists, experts, and concerned global citizens. You will find everything you need to know about this important climate event including analyses of key reports, and implementation of strategies.
Learn about peaceful alternatives to bloated military budgets, and how the $8 trillion that was spent on the U.S war in Afghanistan and Iraq could have been spent better if peace was the end goal for the U.S. Government.
In our unique peace guide to the Ukraine - Russia war you will discover voices for peace, the international solidarity movement, the resulting economic fallout and rising inflation, perspectives from all sides, ICC investigations into war crimes, Russian censorship, peaceful diplomacy efforts, and so much more.
Finally, if you have imagined a life away from today's fast-paced, modern capitalist society, visit our alternative lifestyles guide. Learn how you can live more sustainably, save money, and have more time for doing the things that you really love.
Make sure to keep an eye out for new blog articles coming soon!
The number one tool in the fight against ignorance is education. Knowledge empowers people to make informed decisions based on facts, and truth. By continuing to educate ourselves through reliable media, we can strengthen democracy, open up new opportunities, connect with others, reduce hate, and improve our own health. Use Better World Info today to stay informed with the latest on global issues, and start using education as a tool to change the world!
Article by Rachael Mellor
EDUCATION by Rachael Mellor is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Image 1: ‘Education’ by Got Credit is published by Flickr under CC BY 2.0
Image 2: ‘#MandelaDay Quotes’ by Ron Mader is published by Flickr under CC BY-SA 2.0
Image 3: ‘Untitled’ by AbsolutVision is published under Unsplash license
Image 4: ‘Healthcare’ by EpicTop10.com is published by Flickr under CC BY 2.0
Image 5: ‘Untitled’ by kaboompics is published under Pixabay license