COP26, officially the UN Climate Change Conference 2021, and the 26th of its kind. Designed to bring parties together and accelerate climate action towards net zero. It takes place 31st October – 12th November in Glasgow, and is being labelled the most critical climate talks to date.
Meanwhile, host Prime Minister Boris Johnson is being widely criticised for backing the new Cambo oilfield project. Situated near the Shetland islands, off the shore of the UK, just a few hundred miles away from Glasgow. As climate scientists are urging leaders to keep it in the ground and say no to all new fossil fuel investment, the UK so far, does not seem to be leading by example.
Even Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II was overheard referring to climate inaction. In the COP26 build up she is 'irritated' by leaders who ‘talk but don’t do.’
Greta Thunberg clearly shares the same sentiment who in September made a mockery of climate action, “Build back better. Blah, blah, blah. Green economy. Blah blah blah. Net zero by 2050. Blah, blah, blah,”
The COP26 talks are vital. There cannot be anymore blah blah blah. Following the 2015 COP21, and the resulting Paris Agreement, an international treaty was created to keep the global climate under control. The agreed limit was 2C, but preferably 1.5C. In order to reach this goal, emissions need to fall by half, fast.
Devastatingly, according to the UN, global carbon emissions are on course to rise 16% by 2030. In a damning IPCC report released this year, findings worryingly indicated ‘a code red for humanity’.
Tougher climate pledges and policies must be forged in order to keep this 1.5C goal from slipping away.
What Better World Info has to offer
Better World Info is a central information hub covering the Global Climate Crisis. A compilation of the best and most accurate climate information from the internet all in one place – saving you valuable time. It shows you where to find the most up to date climate news, a guide on all of the COP Conferences, including of course the upcoming COP26 in Glasgow, and an extensive resource on climate movements and campaigns.
The site provides an in-depth guide to climate change solutions including divestment, ending fossil fuel subsides, carbon capture, climate policy, and zero carbon initiatives. Likewise, there is an eye-opening resource on the disastrous consequences of inaction. You will find comprehensive topics on wildfires, rising sea levels, hurricanes and flooding, drought and hunger, agricultural impacts, financial costs, and many more.
At Better World Info you can find information on all the Players and NGOs, including Greta’s Fridays for Future climate strikes, and Extinction Rebellion. Here you can follow the global climate movements who are raising awareness for the most pressing climate issues affecting us all.
Climate activists, experts, and concerned global citizens will find our COP26 guide invaluable. There are more than 300 links to trustworthy news sources, the local and international NGOs supporting action, upcoming events, and informative videos. Not to mention over 7,500 links covering every aspect of the global climate crisis.
Better World Info is a truly unique and remarkable platform covering the COP26 – together for our planet.
Social media
Better World Info is also very active on Twitter raising climate change awareness, and encouraging climate action. In their unique Twitter lists you will find the latest campaigns, progress in the climate movement, and access to climate scientists and experts in the following categories - Climate change, environment, fossil fuel divestment, renewable energy, and the SDGs.
Better World Info’s full Twitter lists can be found here. By following these it becomes very easy to stay up to date with the latest climate change developments.
Bessere Welt Info – the German platform for COP26
Better World Info is also available in German – Bessere Welt Info. Just like the English version, it also serves as an excellent resource for the COP26 climate negotiations. Here you will find the main category Klima Krise which has over 4,000 links to climate news, IPCC reports, movements and NGOs, information on all the COP klimagipfel, and climate issues in Germany.
Get Involved !
Better World Info is also an interactive platform. Users can contribute their own knowledge and expertise in all areas. If you have relevant information that you would like to share with others, then you are in the right place. Climate experts, scientists, and activists in particular are encouraged to share informative links and suggest improvements. Contact us today.
For those looking to get more involved in the climate movement, Better World Info offers useful tools to support those who want to help change the world. For example, they offer suggestions on how to launch high profile campaigns, and how to become active online utilising expert social media skills.
You can also find information on how you can reduce your carbon footprint, and tips on living more sustainably.
COP26 is a reminder of the real threat that climate change poses, and how much progress there is still to be made.
24 million people were displaced by weather related disasters this year alone (Climate & Migration Coalition). As the climate becomes more extreme and irregular, we will see more loss of lives, homes, livelihoods, food stability, access to drinking water, wildlife and nature.
The greed of multi-national corporations, the super-rich, and some corrupt politicians must be overcome.
Better World Info is the COP26 climate platform you shouldn’t be without. It is a wonderful tool for networking, and provides a bounty of excellent free resources. It helps raise awareness, fights misinformation and climate change denial.
So let’s unite and ensure that COP26 does not become another blah blah blah.
Better World Info, a remarkable tool for global climate action.
P.S. To all young people planning on going to Glasgow to protest or for COP26 events, consider that you can save a lot of time, money, CO2, and your own energy by staying at home and focusing on local action. Avoiding transport strikes, hiked accommodation prices, and predicted crowds, it will be safer too (see Covid-19 info).
If instead, even 1 in 1,000 young people stayed home and contributed climate crisis knowledge and links to Better World Info, this would have a much greater impact for everyone involved in the climate movement.
Article by Rachael Mellor
Better World Info - Platform for COP 26 (Glasgow) by Rachael Mellor is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Image: flickr.com / School Strike 4 Climate
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